Lost Deaths Verdict to a prot paladin

Check in a mirror, with the way you are hurtling insults.

People here are only speaking facts. Check the top 10 guilds for progress in TOGC I bet all their main prot paladins have it.

This is not selfish behavior. It’s teamwork behavior, because gearing your tanks helps your team progress. In fact, trying to justify “hurr durr itsa dps trinket” to disqualify others from their bis item is truly selfish.


Prot pallys are prob the best tanks… Idk what to say mate. What ever floats your boat.

Even if Jar is as good for Prot as you’re saying (and I expect it to), you’d just use Jar and DV.

True, this is what our tank is going to roll with, Death’s Choice + Jar.

But with how absolutely bonkers Jar is for ret, I get the prio on this one :slight_smile:

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you know a prot paly can afk in any fight and won’t lose threat ever, if the group have 3x rogues glyphed tott & using it on cd.

I am sure they can afk and not lose threat if your dps are bad.

Not every raid will have that many rogues.

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prot paly hold their threat in raid with certain players/classes doing +20k dps and the prot paly doesn’t have DV/DC…it’s never needed to take it from a dps for reason “I Need threat”

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You are lying if you have never seen a caster pull threat, or get close to it on general Vezax.

There will be other situations like this where dps can get pumped up with a buff or so and be able to pull easily, even when prot pally is played perfect.

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Yeah, I just hope that outside of PuGs, prot pals are cool with grabbing the normal DV from scourgestones rather than snagging the heroic one from DPS in their raid groups.

I don’t really care what PuGs do/allow. It’s the wild West there.

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Don’t take my word for it though, check the prot paladins in these guilds to see who is right.

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i never seen a caster pulling threat on general when there is just 1rogue in raid glyphed tot & totting on cd.

and i never seen any prot paly losing threat in icc hc encounters to those players who’s doing +25k dps in bis icc gear, it’s fail excuse to take a pure dps item as prot paly claiming that you need more threat, no wonder why some of the current classic players are morons & those guilds giving DC/DV to prot paly over anyone else Will 100% disband in icc anyway

those guilds you linked are doing split runs and collecting bis to everyone

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While this is true, we do split run.

Prioritizing tanks on gear is how you do it.

take progress for example, i play on that server and i know few of them! they have 10dps player in the ICC roster with DV and 1tank with it, as i said they’re doing splits to get everyone BIS before p4 so i wouldn’t say they’re prioritizing that trinket to a tank.

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That’s how it works, you run 1 prot paladin, your tank only needs one… so any more you get will naturally go to dps.

If a tank can grab their bis item from a pug, more power to them. Don’t come crying on the forums about it.

Aye, I personally wouldn’t prioritize threat gear with DPS overlap to tanks though. Lost threat moments are much more niche (although definitely more common in bleeding edge guilds where the DPS are better maximized)

Depends on your guild’s goals anyway. For the ones I’m in, a tank is much more likely to die rather than lose threat, and DPS are more likely to miss a DPS check than pull off a tank, so it makes more sense for DPS stuff to not go to tanks.

We also don’t do splits though, so there aren’t extra DVs around to hand to the tank for threat.

So yeah, just do what makes sense for your guild.


if you think that a guild playing normally with just 1raid per week and they should give that first DC/DV trinket to a tank? then let me tell you LOL that guild won’t even be able to clear ICC Normal and will probably disband after fail tries for some weeks.

clueless guilds with poor decisions on loot will always fail.

This is the only real answer.

But also, it was a pug, so a prot paladin got their bis item. No need to complain about it, they made themselves more desirable for guilds recruiting if anything.

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Yep, it’s on a BiS list for a decent reason, so it’s fair game in a PuG. You don’t have to agree with it. Just pick a different PuG next time.

I know I will thank jesus that my tank has it when I get Tiny abom and shadowmourne and get consecutive free DS procs on trash.

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if it was a pug and the prot won it? that’s awesome and the pug didn’t do anything wrong! but if it’s a guild who’s not doing split runs and gave it to their prot paly over dps then they will be crippled in many icc hc dps-check fights, the tank won’t even need the slight threat gain when the dps roaster doesn’t even have bis.