Lost Deaths Verdict to a prot paladin

Well, it was where the crappy Buffy characters went to get better.

Connor and Groo were annoying.

I can agree on Connor, but why dah Grooosalugg? It looks like I’m gonna go re watch all over again.

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He was just dumb, and out of place. However, if I were to do a final ranking, he’s better than Connor. I did hate all characters less during my rewatches.

Cata probably won’t even come out. If it does, it will be vastly different. Since it wasn’t a good expansion and there is a lot to fix. It’s not like people really want to play the mediocre Cata expansion. :rofl:

You mean when they ruined build diversity. When they added armor specialization ruining creative builds. Like warrior wearing leather items for giga damage. Where they forced you into specializations ruining the point of an MMORPG.

Cata was the beginning of the end and why WotLK is far superior and the pinnacle of WoW. Cata was when the Devs started to force you to play the game their way.

A good Dev makes a game and the players show them how it should be played, they get out of the way. It’s why the old expansions were Classic. TBC and Wrath that is.

Haha, most people sympathize with the OP and disagree with you. Also, read the second half of my post - “even if it wasn’t entirely reasonable for him to expect certain loot rules”

We got another troll Groo

My goodness, May our Lady and Savior Elune help them.

No i mean when a piece of gear is bis for one class, another class cant roll on it because it is bis for thier threat set that they dont need. Its a moron catcher. That was the reason they added it. The players wanted it and they listened and gave the players what they wanted. Even though the ninjas were unhappy with it.

I did miss build variety when I played retail for sure. For me it’s fun seeing a piece of dps gear and going seeing if it’s better or not or how I can fit it in because it gives me something I was missing, etc.

Only issue is that plate wearers get access to more than others which is why it was changed to be armor type specific for certain classes so overall it allows more people to get gear so I understand that change. It’s just fun seeing things like feral druids who get the agi gear but then also gem for str when needed or when enhance shamans gems haste and go for SP weapon, etc.

One of the reasons I don’t have much desire to play anymore/ play my alts. Everyone will argue and fight over a 0.00001% upgrade even if it’s terrible for them. Had 2 guilds so far that fell apart due to favoritism/unfair loot. Why play a game where everyone has to fight over loot and whine/ argue for items. This toon is literally cursed, had 3-4 items get ninjad since playing. I never liked personal loot but would gladly take it rather than leaving it up to randoms where you have to whine to get what you want.

Don’t feed the troll mate.

No, you lost to a ret paladin that ninja’d it

that’s probably it.

well if it makes you feel better i have only seen 1 death’s choice drop since TOGC

Death’s Verdict is threat BIS for prot paladin (not to mention ret BIS, probably this individual’s OS) in a phase where tank damage is negligible. There is zero problem with a prot paladin winning DV in a pug.

Don’t like a pug’s loot rules? Find another one.

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Even saying the words “threat bis” makes you look like a clown in an xpac where threat is so easy to maintain.

If someone tried to do that on my server they’d be blacklisted unless it was loot council

Yo I’m going to roll on dbw as prot.

JK I’m fury main spec but literally same mentality.

Dbw is the best threat trinket in the game for me.

Would you back up a war getting it for tanking? You’re just a greedy simp pally

Sure sure, and the earth is flat and aliens built the pyramid.

Classic pally behavior folks. Entitled as always!