Lost Deaths Verdict to a prot paladin

My 99 tank parses use heroic deaths choice but I had to claw my way as main spec to get there.

These entitled prot pallies think they deserve it while main spec prot lol :joy:

I don’t even have any threat problems as the worst tank spec in the game. A pally will never lose aggro with greatness and whatever else trinket they wanna use

Prot is my offspec

Woah woah man, you can’t tell paladins they have it easy. It’s against the forum rules :slight_smile:

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That’s a BiS trinket for Prot War. You should roll on it. Once Prot War gets some good Arp they really shine.

Well I can’t speak for everyone but I’d like to think if a prot tried to have prio for that item they wouldn’t last long in our runs :thinking:

I can tell you run normals, it’s okay.

Judging by your logs I’m doing better than you are. Not hard to just push your buttons.

It sounds like he joined a raid group that was probably all formed already, either as a guild group or friends that play together, and he was the pugger. So they reserved it within themselves and he lost. :woman_shrugging:t3:

So… a pug then?

Why is this post even still getting responses, you are only mostly correct, there was no sr or hr.

I just would like to say tonight I got my BiS Death’s Verdict on my Prot Pal! After 2 days of some RDF and we ready to go to work! Such a massive upgrade for Prot :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hell yeah, I am going to be tanking an ICC 10 man before we raid 25 man tomorrow. rocking my welfare 245 Juggies and 258 death’s choice for it.

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Well lads, you can clearly see the two discord mods above me flaunting their privilege. Anywho, have a good day or night :slight_smile:

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I mean, its good enough I just spent the time to farm the 245 version for my PPal. BiS is BiS dude. Better luck next time <3

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Dear diary, The average IQ of the average wow player has been lowered.

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BiS is the stam trinkets since maintaining threat on a prot pally is a joke. Just stack EHP and push your buttons unless you’re bad.


Definitely isn’t. I mean if you want to build a total potato that isn’t that valuable to the group.

DV is BiS and gets even better when Prot gets their 2pc Tier 10. That sexy 20% bonus amped by DV trinket is gonna be super sweet.

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It’s not about maintaining threat, it’s about dealing damage. The only hit point that matters is the last one, and so if the tank only needs 40k hp to survive whatever a boss throws at them, then anymore than that is redundant. Stacking more health does literally nothing for the raid group since they’re already surviving the damage anyway, while more damage will end fights faster, giving more breathing room on the enrage timer, and less stress on the healers overall by virtue of not needing to heal as much, because the boss is dying that much faster

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That’s not the tanks job. You’ve never even completed a raid outside ony. Why did I even bother responding LOL.

The more you type the more I know you know nothing. but plebs gonna pleb.

Dps should use tank gear cause they can take more damage die less faster and thus make the healers job less stressful.

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You know what, you’re right, the tank should just stand there and taunt the boss on cooldown. It’s not their job to do any damage!

Same for the dps, why should they move out of mechanics? It’s the healers’ jobs to keep them alive