Lost cutscene dialogue

Not sure if it’s related, but I was midway through the MSQ as of Aug 27 and middle of my cutscene the dialogue just stopped, then after that ALL dialogue wouldn’t play anywhere in the game, just dialogue, SFX were still a go.

I restarted the client and it came back, but then as soon as the next cutscene started, no dialogue again.

How and why is this suddenly happening and how do I prevent/fix it permanently?


Watching this thread. I had the same issue last night. Haven’t logged in today so no idea if it is still happening.

I experienced something similar on Monday doing a questline involving stormriders… Lost dialogue audio. Also closed wow client and reopened but wasn’t fixed. Later on all other dialogues worked fine.


Same here. Seems all of the lv80 quests lose dialogue in cutscenes.

A post was merged into an existing topic: [Main Thread] Stuck at retrieving realm list/Loading Screen and missing characters 8.28.24

I have the opposite (but may be related) problem. Since an Ahn-Karet campaign cutscene, the ONLY sound that works in game is character dialogue. But everything else – music, sound effects, etc – has disappeared. Relogging only fixes the issue for 2-3 seconds before it’s all gone again, except character dialogue.

Edit: In case it’s useful, the sound cuts out when the character choosing screen loads. Before that, the music is playing as normal.

Same problem, same situation. I was doing this chain, and then my dialogue just turned off. Couple hours later, every bit of sound is working except dialogue.

Floating heads, story quests, cutscenes, etc.

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Wanted to throw my hat in this ring and say I’ve been having the same issue. Cutscene happens, all dialogue immediately cuts out. All other sounds fine, but it persists even after the cutscene until I relog.

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Ok so it’s not just me…

Before the pre-patch event some sound elements (dialog, sound effects etc.) would just randomly stop working and I would have to go into the audio settings to turn them back on.

During the event, the sound would cut out about half way through a heavy fight with lots of players concentrated in one area, I’d have to go back to the audio settings and turn stuff back on. Sometimes everything is unchecked and sometimes it’s just a few settings.

I’m suddenly having a related but opposite problem.

As of a cutscene today i can ONLY hear character dialogue. All other sound is gone. Toggling the switches in options, restarting, and deleting cache/wtf folders doesn’t fix it.

Edit: In case it’s useful, the sound cuts out when the character choosing screen loads. Before that, the music is playing as normal.

I too am having the same problem char dialog audio is gone, at first I thought it was an addon doing it because I play with Chatty Little NPC, but now I’m starting to think its the game itself.

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Still happening. Noticed it yesterday, was fine when I logged in today but cut off again after about an hour of playing.

I think the cause (or at least one of them) is Delves. Not 100% sure, but since launch every time I complete a Delve I have to reload my UI cause my questlog is gone, thought it was an addon causing that issue and wasn’t that big of a deal – now I think it also causes all dialogue to break, cause I did a Delve a few minutes ago and the quest that brought me there had no voiceover afterwards.

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It’s happening to me now
If delve related, I finished the Waterworks delve in the main story quest line.

I am also missing dialogue from random cut scenes. All other sound effects working as others describe. Guess I’ll have to go to youtube to see what was said. Please fix!

The dialogue cuts off for me as well. Even when you click NPC’s they won’t even do their usual phrases

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Everything works for all my other chars that I am leveling, only char that this affects is my level 80, and I dinged a second char to level 80 and it started happening on that char too. I think its a level 80 problem.

I had this exact issue. Reloading and relogging didn’t work, but just restarting the game fixed it.
edit: nope it broke again as soon as I got to another cutscene xd

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yeah, the only way I have fixed it is also closing the game down. I am upset I missed exposition in the MSQ cut scenes because of it…I was watching mouths flapped and figured maybe it’s just the terrible animations, but then after a second I was realizing, Oh hey, I can’t hear a damn thing.

Cutscene sound gone during the Campaign with gathering the new Stormriders. Now all cutscenes zero dialogue sound.