Lost connection to the voice chat service

alright y’all i’m at the end of my rope here

i have only started getting this spam as of 8.1 dropping last tuesday. i can’t deal with any messages i see getting literally swept away by a spam of “lost connection to the voice chat service”, and when i say swept away i mean SWEPT AWAY. i have it on video just rocketing any guild chat messages off my screen, and it’s utterly infuriating. never before in a decade of playing have i had this issue, and it’s getting to the point where i’m ready to rip my hair out because it’s not an issue on our end, it’s clearly not when this is something that’s only started occurring because of the patch, and i’m getting immensely frustrated that the only real support blizzard is offering is “turn off adaware”, a software i have never heard of in my life.

so far i have done the following:

  • deleted my wtf/cache/interface folders and booted up

  • renamed my wtf/cache/interface folders and booted up

  • used the repair tool on the bnet launcher

  • started my computer in selective start-up mode

  • started my computer in safe mode

  • disabled my firewalls (first one at a time, then both)

  • disabled my antiviruses (first one at a time, then both)

  • updated my drivers

  • updated my antiviruses

  • disabled voice chat in parental controls

  • disabled micophone in the bnet launcher settings

  • disabled blizzard warning messages in the chat settings in game

  • uninstalled and reinstalled the game

needless to say, i’m kind of livid that we’ve been having this issue for well over a week now with no real fix. the only solution that seems to have worked thus far is shame’s quick fix here, but it’s just a band-aid and i still have to manually delete the file every time i want to play the game when i shouldn’t have to. it’s getting to the point where the game is unplayable for me and i might just unsub until there’s an actual solution, because i’m essentially paying to not play the game because of how frustrating this spam is.