An easy fix for "Lost connection to voice chat" error message

If you are getting spammed in chat over and over again with the “Lost connection to voice chat” error message I have a quick and easy fix for you.

Browse to your “WoW/retail/Utils” folder and delete WowVoiceProxy.exe

This will cause WoW to print the error message once then give up. No more spamming chat.

You have to delete the file after loading the Battle-net launcher because the launcher will redownload the file every time. You can also delete the file while WoW is running and the error is fixed as well.

Sucks to have to do that every time but its the only fix so far that has stopped the chat spam.


i owe you my life

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What you might try here is setting the WowVoiceProxy.exe to run under Administrator. Navigate to the .exe - right click on the icon then select “Properties”. Next select the “Compatibility” tab. Select (check) “Run this Program as Administrator.”

I would also make some exceptions in your security softwares.

Local Disk (C:) > Program Files (x86) > (both Launcher and icons)

Local Disk (C:) > Program Files (x86) > ProgramData > > Agent > Agent.6525 (Agent icon)

Local Disk (C:) > Program Files (x86) > World of Warcraft > retail (Wow icon)

Local Disk (C:) > Program Files (x86) > World of Warcraft > retail > Utils folder. (Wow Browser and Wow Voice Proxy icons)

Note: These are default locations - if the game is installed on another drive you will need to navigate there.

You may want to check on the software’s support pages for the proper procedures.

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Having the same issue, has there been any established fixes yet for this issue? I have been talking to GM’s about it over the past 2 weeks and haven’t been able to fix this.

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Antivirus active scanning was the issue on my PC. Clicking to disable the ‘Web Filter’ feature in antivirus settings resolved it. After playing Wow just re-enable the ‘Web Filter’, or whatever your antivirus calls that feature.

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This worked finally! Thanks!

This worked for us. Thank you so much!!!

Yea what I ended up doing was adding ALL the voiceproxy services from blizzard to untrusted/block list under my security suite (kaspersky) and it doesn’t run anymore. just the one error it cant connect when you start playing and thats it.

Not to revive an old thread but I did manage to find a fix to this, at least with Avast anti virus. I discovered the firewall in the program was blocking it even though I was allowing all connections out. It had a rule setup to block if it wasn’t certain. steps below that I took.

  1. Open avast
  2. go to protection, then Firewall
  3. click Application settings
  4. find World of Warcraft Voice Proxy and expand it.
  5. ensure it is all connections. (bars filled all the way up)
  6. check that “For all other connections” does not say block.
  7. change from “block” to “Auto-decide”

The steps above helped me resolve it. logged back into game and the error was gone.