Lore Q&A and Character Help 4

The tol’vir and anubisath were unique to the Ahn’Qiraj and Uldum facilities, and with their own Egyptian-esque vibes, they’re likely credited with the general architecture of those areas. The similarities to the Black Empire might just be coincidental; we don’t really have an explanation.

We’re not given an explanation, though we might be thinking of this backwards. It might just be another variant of titan architecture, and the trolls in turn grew inspiration from it for their own building.

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I am currently writing a fanfic and could not find anything about the daughter of Calia Menethil and her mystery husbands story. I would love to write about them but don’t want to write over any existing lore. Maybe you can find something I missed or confirm there is no lore. Thank you =D

Before the Storm was the first and only mention of Calia’s husband and daughter. Currently, we have no idea who they are, their names or what they’re currently doing, though I imagine Blizzard will eventually revisit it.


Is it reasonable to think Twilight Dragons can control their nature in the way a Void Elf might? Or that they would be seemingly beyond restraint in the supposed madness of Black Dragons?

Would it be lore breaking to RP a murderer commissioned by the alliance to serve in the war efforts?

I think it would depend on your spin on as to how they became employed. I could see something along the lines of Mayuri Kurotsuch was recruited out of a prison cell by Kisuke Urahara. The difference being Shaw would go into the darkest part of the Stockades and pull one person to perform the 'wet work" that is even to dark for his normal SI7 assassins to under take like killing civilians and the like.

Looking at the real world, it has been historically very common for criminals to be pardoned in exchange for their assistance in war.

One need look no further than the history of piracy to see all the examples you could want for this sort of thing. It was routine practice for any given nation to grant full pardons to any pirates that joined their navy. Of course, after all was said and done pirates simply went back to piracy until the next time such a deal was offered.

Given that, unless Blizzard puts out some lore contradicting it (which is highly unlikely), there’s nothing wrong with taking a page out of real world history for this.

That’s my take at least. Others may disagree until the opposite, wherein Blizzard introduces lore supporting the concept. There may already be a lore example of this nature, but I’m on mobile at work so I can’t really search anything up right now. If I find anything later after I get home, I’ll come back and provide an update.

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I don’t think the Twilight Dragons would be subjected to the madness of the black dragons; they were created using eggs from basically every flight, so not all of them would originate from black dragons.

As to whether they can control themselves, there was a Twilight dragon named Dargonax. He was only controlled by means of using the remnants of the Demon Soul. Once its hold over him was destroyed he was in full control and turned on his mother, Sintharia. Of course, he was born of a black dragon egg so he was still evil, but it suggests to me the possibility that a Twilight dragon of another flight might have a chance to break free like the void elves.

The idea that they could control their nature does at least seem plausible to me.

Twisting Nether is funny about time, even though he’s only been gone for a decade or two, over a thousand years of time has passed for Turalyon.

Depends on what kind of murderer you are. If you’re clearly an honorless scumbag, it would definitely be lorebreaking to have Anduin soiling his hands with direct knowledge of you.

Shaw on the other hand…

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Hey guys, was just questing and found a quest in Barrens called “Clap 'Em in Iron” which provides some lore backbone to the question I asked. Thank you for those of you who responded!

Quick update for everyone, I am quitting WoW due to the direction the game is headed and will no longer be posting on the forums. I’m sure the other posters here will be happy to continue answering questions, though. :slight_smile:

If you care or would like more info on my departure:

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Damn sorry to read this. Best of luck to you.

I actually will be sorry to see you go. But everyone has to decide on their own when it’s appropriate to close a chapter in their life.

Would it be advisable/lore consistent to roleplay an original shattered hand orc with the Mag’har model? IE, someone who rebelled with Kargath against their Ogre captives. I know they’d have to be at least 45+, because the WoD orcs timeline is 30 years past ours, but I’m not sure what the specific timeline is for how long the shatterd hand existed as a clan before the events of WoD. If anyone could touch on that as well, that’d be excellent.

According to what I could find, WoD lands us in Draenor as it was the year -2 of the main timeline.

The Shattered Hand was created about 11 years before the First War, which is year 0. This means WoD’s Shattered Hand has been around for roughly 9 years during the expansion.

Accounting for the 30 years that have passed since, the Shattered Hand of WoD has existed for nearly 40 years. Orcs can live to see at least 90, so that’s well within a single orc’s lifetime.

As far as the timeline is concerned, there’s absolutely no problem with having been one of the original clans members. Orcs mature around 13-15 years old, so if that were the starting age when they broke free they’d now be around 52-55 years old.

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Just wanted to bump this and say:

Just because Cannibal has left our forums, doesn’t mean that this thread is dead. Plenty of us around are still passionate about the lore, know where to look, have the various chronicles and other books, and/or are veteran roleplayers happy to answer lore questions.

So please feel free to ask. I’ll try to poke this every so often so it doesn’t drown.


Not to mention madam, Cannibal was a great lore source and person but his thread will live on! Many of us are quite good with lore in specific areas! Infact in my day I taught Cannibal a thing or two about demons and dark irons.

I’ll be here to help the thread if any lore questions I specialize in come this way.


Even without Cannibal here, I have a few questions I need help with regarding a Dark Iron Dwarf I plan on making.

  1. Is there anything notable I should know about Dark Iron Warriors… or Warrior types at least.

  2. Do we know if there was a conscription at all with Dark Irons and fighting?

  3. How were warriors viewed in Dark Iron society?

  4. Would it be possible to craft a weapon using the essences from elementals mixed in with the metal?

The way I have her at the moment is as a blacksmith and warrior, 80 years old (so not too young but not old old by Dwarf standards), who wasn’t all that powerful until messed with by a group of sorcerors… at the insistance of an elemental. Lne who took joining the Alliance to take her rage out on said elementals and starting to forge a weapon from their essence.

Not entirely sure on it yet though, hence my questions. I’m already considering altering it a bit to emphasize the Warrior a bit more.

Not really a warrior or dwarf player myself. A few things though. Warriors are not usually gifted in magic. Their bodies are trained in the arts of war and they are often front line fighters.

At one point, many dark irons were enslaved by Ragnaros. In that regard, yes there was conscription. However, beyond that, there is no definitive lore that they were forced to fight in war. One could infer that they had no choice, fight or be view as weak or traitors, but it isn’t something explicitly stated.

There isn’t anything stating any one class was viewed in any regard that I can find, but I am not a dwarf expert. Strength is often viewed highly in cultures, as is one’s willingness to serve their people and a greater cause. In that regard, a warrior would be highly regarded. But nothing for sure.

Yes. Many blacksmithing recipes use elemental items in their recipes.
