(lore interview and questlines) spoilers ahead

I have a feeling Elune is going to end up being one of the “First Ones” that are talked about

A diety worshiped across the cosmos, that seems to predate the titans? She seems to fit the bill


I was very pleased at the fact that the roster of “Horde Representatives” we see at Northrend were largely placeholders and should change some. I really wish they’d stop trying to paint Valeera as “neutral” though.

Also, I always enjoyed the “We don’t know who the final big bad will be,” model we’ve been seeing lately. It lets the narrative play out piece by piece, and it could go any which way at any second. I was never a fan of having Illidan/Arthas/Deathwing/Etc effectively plastered on the cover of the box and having the whole expansion basically being us cutting our way through their goons/plots as we zero in on them for the final confrontation. Although I can certainly see the appeal of that kind of set up.

Also curious to see how Sylvanas works out. She’s been fairly slippery in terms of people predicting what she’ll do next. Remember when most everyone was convinced BfA would end with her being killed or killing us all in a raid instance of Thunderbluff/Stormwind? How many expected her to abdicate her leadership, flee to Northrend, destroy the Helm of Domination, and literally break the sky while we fight N’zoth?


With Anduin still trapped, I can’t help but wonder if the expansion end will with him being freed as the Old Man Anduin from the Son of the Wolf comic.



So, the Titans are no longer a challenge so they have to create some First Ones nonsense to replace them. It’s the same story again and again.


I mean, what else would you have them do lmao

I’ve been tossing about the idea of a “vacation expansion”.

Go to Kezan and team up with some Goblin cartels with wildly different goals ad personalities while they squabble over a rebuilding/newly rebuilt Undercity and larger Kezan.Look at stuff like the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Hearthstone expansion for inspiration. Have the Horde/Alliance compete for influence over the usually neutral goblin cartels’ business, but not engage in full scale open warfare, but rather corporate espionage and sabotage. Work some Gnome vs Goblin rivalry in there too. Introduce a Tinker class.

Make Gallywix the overarching big bad in some kind of huge Azerite powered monstrosity and a bunch of robo mooks he commands out of his volcano lair. And because he’s not threatening the entire world/cosmos, we don’t need to wring our hands over why the Titans/Wild Gods/Dragonflights aren’t getting involved. Even better, the faction leaders are there, but they’re busy sunning themselves on the beach, fruity beverages in hand.

Bring back a bit of that Warcraft comedy we all know and love.

I mean that’s what I’d have Blizzard do, but I don’t run anything.


An expansion centered around idk just random stuff (like the island expeditions were showing various RANDOM threats) combined with a world revamp and slight hint at faction conflicts here and there (but not full out war) would be neat.

Also I am so tired of sylvanas whenever i see an interview question about her i automatically skip it.

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I would absolutely love a new world revamp, making zones focused on local threats/plots/themes, and generally showing off the wide, diverse, multifaceted world that this game is set in. I think the game is missing out on capitalizing on the big world that this franchise has built up over the years.

I’m not sure how well that broad of a focus could work with the normal expansion format, but I think that, since the game now has better methods for integrating endgame content into normal/levelling zones, it would turn out far better than Cata did.

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They could have a Battleground that is Horde and Alliance teams duking it out in a goblin bloodsport arena, and it’d probably make as much or more lore sense than half the other battlegrounds!


Have a Footbomb battleground!

Like the capture-the-flag of Arathi Basin, but if the footbomb doesn’t make it to one goal or the other in X seconds, it blows up, and everyone within an AoE dies before the Footbomb is reset in the middle.


It would probably be really imbalanced class/talent-wise, but since it’s themed like an arena meant for entertaining the crowd, I’d love if the teams could get extra points by defeating their enemies in flashy ways - like knocking an enemy into insta-death lava pits, or CCing an enemy next to the footbomb so the explosion kills them, and so on.

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Of course Afrasiabi(the Lore Dev who is subordinate to Ion the Game Dev) said that just making her a Raid Boss will feel like a letdown to him so he is probably going to insist(fruitlessly or no) to the Raid Developers on making her Raid as Epic as they can.

They might give her multiple Raid Encounters too.

So we kill her as she is, then as a banshee, and finally as a soul in Shadowlands?

My point is it is the first time we have had any type of indication that she is worshiped anywhere but Azeroth. We saw no sign of her worship among any other races or cultures from other worlds prior to this. This is the first time we have seen any indication she is in fact not local to Azeroth.

Yeah, but Garrosh was the final boss of the previous expansion though.

Pope space lizard will become a reality!!!


He is not the lead Lore Dev. Afrasiabi is the lead Lore Dev and he serves Ion so they won’t have any choice so if Ion tells them to kill her they will.

I’m the opposite. I can give 2 craps about how Elune is viewed in other worlds, she sucks. Period. I care next to nothing about the layers of the cosmos god’s gods god. Draka who? Odyn who? They are all irrelevant when compared to Sylvanas.

Sylvanas is so popular and beloved by the blizzard staff; fans cannot get enough of her. On this very forum posters cannot go a day without talking about her.

Taking a peek at the comments in the link, almost all the comments are about Sylvanas.

On that note, I can’t wait to see her with her “mask off” and have a “frank conversations” and to see these “new truths about her”

This is how I feel atm:


I’m pretty into the idea of the Night Elves coming to their fellow Elune worshipers with open arms and finding companionship.

We did have Elunaria during the Argus raid at least.


Well, Elunaria says I think enough. An entire world and a hidden place for eonar, called after Elune :wink: the titan named a pillar after her, thats a kind of,hrmm, I will not say worship, but a gesture of deep respect and a form of a tribute