(lore interview and questlines) spoilers ahead

Alrighty then.

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Thereā€™s no evidence of it, but ā€˜logicallyā€™ I think it checks out.

The difference with tauren and night elf, though, is that Muā€™sha is just an aspect of the Earth Mother - also that the tauren religion is pretty ā€˜passiveā€™ and spiritual. The only time we see tauren being actively religious is with paladins of Anā€™she, and itā€™s just generic light worship.

Compare this to Tyrande finding out there were other night warriors on different planets - essentially making them ā€˜equalsā€™ in a sense, in the eye of Elune.

Consider: you and your people consider yourselves to be special, as you believe you are the chosen of Elune - suddenly, you kind of arenā€™t, since the faith is mirrored on another planet. Anyone would feel pretty deflated at that - again, I think this is yet another negative flag for our girl Tyrande.

Druids as well, and Shamans. Spirituality actually seems to be a fairly strong cornerstone for Tauren when you put a lens on them. Sunwalkers only became a thing because someone looked at Druids and realized that there was an imbalance in how the Earth Mother was being worshiped/honored/revered, that her moon aspect through Muā€™sha (Elune) had a strong presence in Tauren society, but the other eye, Anā€™she (Belore) was relatively ignored by contrast.

Again, I think Tyrandeā€™s first reaction would be that there are allies out there for her people. I canā€™t say Iā€™ve ever seen anything to suggest she feels that Elune worship HAS to be exclusive to the Night Elves.

Except there are other races on Azeroth who also believe in Elune. I really donā€™t see any Night Elves reacting to this knowledge in a negative way; Iā€™d expect excitement at learning of this discovery and a desire to meet these other worshipers.


I think youā€™re trying to spin this to make Tyrande a villain. Religious people are also known for wanting to expand their faith to others. Knowing Eluneā€™s influence crosses worlds is just as likely to raise morale.


Thatā€™s a huge leap in logic. Youā€™re assuming the lack of gay marriage means that elves donā€™t support it. Blizzard hasnā€™t written one yet.

Thatā€™s my thinking as well, to be honest. Potential allies and friends out among the stars? Especially right now for the Night Elves, that would be a massive thing for them, to know theyā€™re not alone out there. I imagine some who feel the Alliance hasnā€™t done enough for them would be fondly dreaming of new allies.


Meh thought night elves had importance to gender roles.

Iā€™ll just be annoyed if it was all according to plan :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


You know, itā€™s not that Elune canā€™t handle everything at once, I guess Wild Gods or Titans or True Deitys donā€™t have any kind of limitation like we mortals do. I mean Bwonsamdi can talk to many people at many places at the same time without being overwhelmed by it. So we shouldnā€™t take a mortal point of view on this.

So I think itā€™s more like she cares about all the worlds equally intensively without being greatly influenced by it. Only my opinion :wink:


I donā€™t think that Tyrande would even consider it to be a possibility. Itā€™s not like light worship, which is a universal ā€˜elementā€™ and the fact that there are multiple naaru, does not mean that say the draenei have a monopoly on naaru worship. Quite right, there is no direct quote from Tyrande saying that she has a monopoly on Elune (that would imply they she was aware that the worship of Elune was on a cosmic level, not just on Azeroth, as night elf religion firmly has Elune as being Azerothā€™s moon, as well as its mythos heavily surrounding the Well of Eternity). An absence of evidence is not evidence of absence - the constant wording of their worship, ā€œchosen of Eluneā€, and so forth.

They pale in comparison to the scale of which the night elves worship Elune. In a time of, well, not this, I would agree with you - but during a time where Elune worship arguably is at its rockiest, I donā€™t think this will exactly be a welcome discovery. Remember, Iā€™m talking here specifically about Tyrande.

Absolutely not. Iā€™m applying reasonable and rational emotional logic to Tyrandeā€™s situation. Religious people are known for wanting to expand their faith to others, yes, but what happens if they find out that their religion isnā€™t actually theirs at all?

I look at it just the opposite way. Look at the monolithic religions in reality, they claim for themselves the act of creation as such and that the Lord is above everything. That everyone worships/love him in some way, even animals. Human wouldnā€™t be loved less, wouldnā€™t be paid less attention if they found out that there are others in the universe who get the same from the Lord. I think itā€™s a positive development and it just shows that the night elves are something special, because a goddess, active in the whole cosmos, became aware of a race on a Tiny world that exactly met her ideas of how to be spiritually. That says a lot about the night elves, and about Elune.


Certainly - just not the interpretation Iā€™m going with.

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I am so tired of being in this disaster called the Horde.

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The youthful Sylvanas knew at that moment, as she stared down at her withering house plant, that she never wished to experience such loss. That she would end the cycle that was bestowed upon her by her ancestors. She would free herself from such mortal chains and one day save the universeā€¦ by any means.


Come join the Steamweedle Cartel. We have volleyball nights on Fridays and karaoke on Saturdays.

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Only if there are Taco Tuesdays. Then youā€™ll get me.

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Have to say Iā€™m pretty into the idea of the self-designated ā€œGodā€™s chosen peopleā€ realizing they really arenā€™t that special after all.


Why would you reduce it to only Tuesdays? Itā€™s also on Thursdays.

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Where do I sign?

remembers to read the fine print

We are talking Goblins hereā€¦


Elune being worshipped in other worlds is the perfect way to start fixing all the problems past expansion have made with Night Elves.
I can totally see we find them and become allies to boost our ranks and powers. Maybe even getting a new class with an advanced knowledge of Elune.
Also donā€™t forget that Tyrande even with her rash and reckless personality still has a loving a caring side and that hasnā€™t changed and in fact I think itā€™s the reason she has shown incredible restrain now that she has the Night warrior powers.

As a side note it would be the best thing if this other race looks as Night Elves or at least extremely similar because it would cement the fact that Elune indeed shaped the Night Elves to her image explaining why they have so much resemble to Cenarius and his sons and daughters.