(lore interview and questlines) spoilers ahead

Apparently Baine will be getting some Tauren mystery lore or something.

I’m both… hopeful and worried. I love tauren, but I don’t think Blizz is that great at handling ancient lore for them, especially after that dumb yaungol retcon thing.

But maybe it’ll be a good thing. I just… I dunno.

    What I will say is that you will find out that reverence for Elune is not unique to Azeroth. There’s other worlds that worship her - and other figures that we’ve met before - in our storyline.

Reading that line again, it sounds rather that they are saying there are other beings besides Elune that are worshiped on Azeroth that are also worshiped on other planets. Obviously the likes of the Titans and the Light are other expected ones, but I wonder if he means more than that.


I hope it’s a clarification of the Goldrinn, and the claims Takrik makes about him. Personally, I think there was a different wolf Wild God on Draenor, and after the Orcs came to Azeroth, they just saw a giant wolf and were like “Hey! Me know that guy!”.

But if Ardenweald collects the Nature deities of the entire cosmos, then maybe the Dream works the opposite way, and allows nature spirits to disperse and perhaps traverse to other worlds. And the Dream Freya had a hand in shaping was just the small Azerothian corner of it.


Well technically there are trolls worshiping Elune.

Frankly a name isn’t much to go on and even then we had no idea what the area actually was or why a pillar is named after her unless she is a titan or titan related. It is just a lot of speculation otherwise and I tend not to like relying on such assumptions without anything concrete otherwise it is still in the realm of headcanon. We aren’t even entirely sure who named the Pillars as far as I know.


Sadly yes.


Why sadly?


OMG, Danuser´s words about Sylvanas “having frank conversations with one of the major characters ingame” gives me creepy flahbacks regarding Sadfang / Garrosh and Blanduin. I bet this is the new chaper in the Church of Wrynn´s evangelization of all and every character available. /shudders in disgust

I´m 100% with @Fythra, these writers are so amazingly incompetent they can´t avoid destroying the entire narrative just to justify self inserting themselves to death in the lore. Cause that was tl;dr what happened to Sylvanas: she got the villain bat so Golden et al could put Calia/Blanduin/Nathanos/Thrall in the middle of things and self insert to death using them as vehicles while at it, regardless of what the actual fans of Sylvanas wanted for the character and what could have come as actual growth for the character post WotLK.

I´m happy to see our outrage maybe can fix the most glaringly stupid stuff regarding the introductory questline into Shadowlands. This answer and the Helfer customization prove the current devs only pay attention when confronted with tactis similar to their own (childishness and drama); ergo me thinks we players interested in NOT getting an Alliance self insert character shoved down our throats permanently (Calia) will unfortunately have to make the sacrifice, abandon our self worth and up the QQ game. It´s for a good cause.

Good job with the info recap, puppies… /pat,pat


Reading over this and I’m just dumbfounded.

I don’t want to go into too much detail there, except I will say that if you think about Calia’s past and her family history, she has a personal involvement in the spectre of death that hangs over everything - and there’s no way that you can think of the Shadowlands and the power of death without thinking about Arthas and the Lich King and that legacy. So, I will say that Calia is involved in the Shadowlands more for her personal reasons than she is as a representative, or a leader in any way.

Oh… oh boy. Oh no. Saying the name Arthas and then legacy?!

Are we getting an Arthas redemption? And are we getting a light infused Arthas to come “heal” the people he killed.

The Forsaken won’t need healing. They’ll need therapy lol.

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And this is what happens when you put amoral incompetent buffoons that can´t prevent from inserting themselves into the story in charge (I wonder who is the edgelord wanting to self insert using Arthas?.. probably Danuser himself considering Nathanos is his pet character).

The Forsaken may need to kill themselves en masse out of actual self preservation. THIS would absolutely put the balance in their favor when we have those “who lost more, Forsaken and/or Nelves in BfA narrative wise” discussions around here.

These are legitimately the DARKEST times lorewise speaking for this game… man remember when it was people like Mickey Nelson or a controlled Metzen in charge of story?


I’m getting kind of confused by his answer in this.

I hope they’re not pulling things out of a hat and have a concrete story set. None of this “oh lets change it midway because people hate it” because that just leads to disaster.

I disagree, sometimes changin stuff actually fixes worse outcomes.

Extirpatye the cancerous stuff earlier and all that…

Killing another aspect of Troll culture and making everything more of the “same”.

I’m still mad Dinomancers are now simply “Druids”.


i dont think blizzard pays much attention to us in the story forum. they seem pretty content to ignore us i think

also thank you for the pats

Well, Danuser does mention the “player feedback / reception” if you check intop the interview.

They do when they HAVE to. I think in their usual airheadness, devs believed Horde players were NOT gonna get so extrememly salty over losing Sylvanas (a beloved racial leader since Vanilla) to get the Alliance flavored AND Alliance leaning sister of Arthas as replacement for one of the Vanilla races… and man, how wrong they were.

The issue literally became a “Helfer” topic even in GD. A true poop storm…

Regarding the pats… well, good puppers deserve their pats, don´t they?


then let us hope they listen to our feedback and dont push this really dumb story.

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I still like the Calia storyline so I hope they continue with her. Unsure about if they use her as a means to bring Arthas back into the story.

Unfortunately, I think in Blizzard’s eyes, BfA was the vacation expansion.


that is depressing


Nope. We’ve already been told that while we’ll see Arthas in the Shadowlands, he has no major role to play in it, it’s more of an appearance because there isn’t a reason we shouldn’t see one of the game’s most notorious villains and…

Crud. They said he WON’T be playing a big role… That means he will, doesn’t it?

Ugh… I can see it now. Shadowlands ends, Arthas replaces the Jailor.


They’re still dinomancers. That’s what they call druids, and prefer turning into. Night elves don’t stop being unique for having a troll ancestry. The trolls who worship Elune are already a minority, and look like outcasts on top of that.