Lore does matter. See Legion

Exactly. The Lightforge Draenei don’t need to accept Warlocks to become playable. The Mag’har Orcs don’t need to accept Warlocks to become playable. Otherwise, if a race needed to accept them to become playable, then that would’ve leave it for only a couple of races where Warlocks are accepted.

This is the problem though, Blizzard writing good lore? We haven’t had a real story since Wrath of the Lich King. Cata Story was alright, but it is where the lore started to go down the hill.

This video is basically the entire WoW lore

If i recall, wow seems to have a lot of good, smaller-scale stories, but tends to fall flat every large cinematic arc they’ve recently tried.

I think the reticence towards change is in large part, due to that. Rolling the dice to see if the new lore is good, or even there feels a bit unfavorable for many.

I myself, would probably bet against a satisfying explanation for Mag or LF warlocks, although i would prefer that they exceed expectations.

Is everyone going to have to start signing their posts with their position on the Warlock issue? :joy:

Yeah I know right lore matters so much in legion just ignore the Paladin Class hall full of Retribution Paladins with Ashbringers :dracthyr_a1:

Wasnt Legion the expansion where Illidan killed one of the spacegoats deity like beings…in front of them. And they were like. Ok. Oh well.

Personally, WotLk was a horrible story. It just threw in some name catching lore assets from Wc3. And wrote an absolutely horrible story with them.

Story writing suffered from day 1 launch, as it was never something given important. TBC had horrible story.

At least Wrath was better storywise than every other expansion after it.

I actually take away points for near plagiarism.

And if you are saying “well everything else was garbage, but wrath was merely trash”…that isn’t the argument you think it is.

Wrath was an absolutely horrible story. And other stories also being trash or a slightly worse tier of trash doesnt make Wrath some standard to strive for.

My point is that the story has absolutely always been horrible. Which is amazing because they did have so many great lore assets. But its not because of the old devs leaving. its not because of Ion. Its because day 1, they never really cared.

Oh also fun fact about the Broken Shores most of it is supposed to be underwater but you know legion was so good with the lore totally no retcons or anything apparently

Quote the class lore stating they’ve been assimilated by LFD and MH Orcs.

I’m just saying. But anything is better than Shadowlands.

Sure. SL was meh. But the Lich King literally wrote the book on “oh the evil bad guy was actually doing something ‘good’, that was revealed out of no where at the very end” that Zarvaal copied.

Lore is not some porcelain vase that shouldn’t be touched else you break it. Stop treat it as such. The lore is a lump of wet clay that can be molded and added to.

As long as the retcons used to re-write the established lore end up making sense and we don’t get retcons on par with SL and the Nipplemaster, It will work.
That’s the hope.

The fear is there is no lore explanation and or the retcons ARE as bad as the SL writing retcons.

The issue people have is when previous lore is drastically changed.

Adding to lore? Thats fine.

Subtracting from previous lore because you dont like it anymore? Thats lame.


That’s when it’s different colored clay being added. And yeah it’s lame as hell. But I will say that lore only matters to the point of, “How can you justify this being a thing?”

Or going completely countered to the lore we’ve known.

But for people that care about the story…when suddenly an update happens and its “you know how you experienced X before? like you were actually there when it happened. well. now that never happened. your memory is wrong.”

I am 100% fine with more lore being added, more stories. I dont think anyone I have seen say they are against that.

But asking for a story to be consistent, and for the past to not be continuously re written…I feel…should not be some monumental task.

(but this is WoW, and they’ve always done this since day 1. so it probably is a monumental task)

It is true that lore needs to evolve as the story progresses. BUT how the writers/devs have been handling it makes it self-insert Mary Sue fan fics less cringe.

And no, I wouldn’t be asking for them to dedicate an entire novel to go in-depth about why/what is causing this sudden change/retcon to lore. But a paragraph from some in-game NPC acknowledging the change and why would be nice.

See legion?
Bro wow lore went down the tubes post mop.