Lore does matter. See Legion

No one said that, kiddo.

Nice strawman attempt, even if it ended in failure.

It doesn’t matter whether they merely channel it or imbue themselves with it, orcs are turned green by repeated exposure to fel.

Durotan and Draka never drank the blood or cast any warlock spells, yet both are green.

A Mag’har warlock is a Mag’har no longer.


Illidans change was built up over multiple expansions.

The Warlock quest is short and spits on the Lore. The writer doesn’t even know what Lightforging is. Why, they even forgot to include a Mag’har Orc.

Then everyone dies but the Lightforged because they didn’t commit to being a Warlock.


It’s not evolving lore. It’s taking a militant religious group and having it use an evil power it is violently opposed to.
It’s actually worse for Mag’har, because it’s a completely impossible thing for an Orc to use fel magic and be mag’har. It is a word that means uncorrupt, to use fel magic in any capacity, to even be around prolonged heavy use of fel magic by others, is to become corrupt(green skin). There is no such thing as upward down, is there? Pick up an item from your desk while also putting it down, THAT is a mag’har warlock.


It is bad.

That’s why people like you should keep your opinions on Lore to yourself as you don’t care for it.


For the twentieth god damn time.

Yes, lore matters.

However player choices and freedom matter more than lore. How a player chooses to interface with the game world matters more than lore. And it will always matter more.


No, they do not. This is the cancerous bullcrap killing every f’ing RPG world and I’m f’ing sick and tired of it.
You want a f’ing game to interface with on a purely gameplay level, f off to CoD or Fortnite. Or Mordau, if you’re feeling medieval.


You do know that canonically there’s only one Hero - you. So, if you aren’t a Paladin then that class order story never happened.

As far as lore is concerned, everyone else is just a generic.

Aw, stomped his feet and used a swear. Doodums.

Well, my work is done here.

[citation needed]

And also, where does it say Warlocks are about the fel

This is really the retcon hill people are dying on, huh?


Yeah, cool story bro. Can’t be civil, so instead, enjoy the flag and enjoy the ignore.

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Wasn’t being rude to you, so why be rude towards me.


Legion’s Lore was terrible and so was the overall story. Mainly the Void Elf and Nightborne stories. So if this Warlock retcon is what Blizzard wants to do, more power to them. It’s not any worse then the trash heap they’ve already started.

I’m not a lore expert, but this statement seems to redefine “utterly false.”

Illidan’s “redemption” was TOTALLY out of nowhere, and it came all at once, in a SINGLE expansion. Nothing about it was “built up.”

This is some Fox News level of nonsense.


You cannot compare NPC and story LORE to the PC, we are outliers compared to others of our cultures already, more options for the PC does not have to affect story LORE or NPC culture. Game play mechanics =/= what goes on in each cultures lore and backstories.

Anyone else not care about the story at all?

Been playing this game since 2006 and I’ve always either clicked the “Skip” option or hit [ ESC ] key to instantly skip CGI cutscenes and such :laughing: I never read quest text either, since I’m usually just rushing thru the quests anyways

I listen to so much twitch/Youtube in the background I get “bits and pieces” of the story anyways simply by having streamers on as background noise

Seems like it’s just a vocal minority on the forums making these complain threads re: lore and class options, because even inside the game most people just “go go go” thru questing and you can tell almost no one reads quest text and such, seems like almost no one cares about this issue :man_shrugging:

the story?!?! Hi we are legion we have magical star destroyers and a gigantic fleet of them but they all got killed by a few people with swords, cause for reasons we didn’t bombard the entire planet from orbit.

I don’t pay much attention to lore, but I’m glad it’s there, giving the game-world shape and uniqueness.

Without the lore (and some of the restrictions it brings), the game inches toward being just another generic grindfest.


Except the lore hasn’t evolved, just the game mechanic has. There’s a heavy, squishy thing resting atop your shoulders- if you try using it, you might understand why some people have a big problem right now. Derp.

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Ion took over mid MoP, so I’m not sure what you’re going on about.