Lore does matter. See Legion

It About as much sense as the same as we got for normal ones.

None. and that was fine. I have a mag’har level capped for BFA. I got the armour lol.

they had the choice between death to yrel, or serve the horde.

So they came to azeroth to kill alliance. Who had nothing to do with the Yrel that was hunting them down lol. The damned place was a spin off of a spin off.

Not entirely convinced a special server just for race/class restrictions is at all comparable to Classic servers… I get the spirit, though!

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Not even kidding I wish I remembered which of these threads it was in. Was then followed by some guy making a mexican lawn care comparison… so troll

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But it will be so lore breaking! :rofl:


oh i believe you…i’ve seen several of these players before in social media land.

tbh i’m surprised - based on their passion - those are the ones that you’d think want to preserve the story the most lol

Personally I would prefer my Original idea of separate races getting a started quest chain(skippable) for people. So it covers both sides an makes everyone happy.
Then focus on adding side races like Saberon/Ogres/Jinyu/Naga an the sort

I mean jesus hire some damn Moonguard players or RPers or even some DnD Game Master an they will slap it out in like 2 days


I just want to be a murlock!


That would satisfy a lot of my wants, too. To be pretty honest it’s exhausting going to brand new shores all the time just to learn a little about the inhabitants that will never be mentioned again with any depth. That’s still more attention than the playable races get.


Ok… Murloc DH would be hilarious or Death Knight with little skeleton murloc minions.
Just reminded me of the Murloc different dimensions quest, see there ya go another way to story sneak in these fixs


Maybe you should apply for a job there at Blizzard.


Yaaaaa but then you guys would have a real reason to hate me in GD LOL. I refuse to become Anakin in this regard!

Oh, well, I do like some of your ideas though. I don’t know about others but I don’t hate anyone here or at Blizzard.


They had a debt to pay, so they offered their numbers, especially when they’re forced to take asylum in org.

Ion was responsible for Legion too, though. He was in charge since WoD, last I checked.

You’re blatantly misinformed and/or spreading complete BS.

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People that made legion no longer work at blizzard

Current writers wont be able to write anything good even if… actually ever, they are just so bad - an AI would do better.


The biggest lie the wow player base ever told itself was that legion was actually good.


Yeah very lore respectful while 100s of palies ran around with ashbringer


Yes it matters, the whole point of some gameplay mechs of certian classes work the way they do is because of it.

But blizzard doesnt care. They curretn employers doing the story content are just F tier that had some good contacts, bet they think velma was a superb show.


Legion actually proved that doing what’s ‘cool’ works a lot better. They literally just pulled a bunch of islands out of no where, started teleporting planets, and burnt through a bunch of lore with no real pay-off but people loved it because you get to see a sword piercing through a planet and some cool character moments.

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Pl4y3r ch01c3 man

What? You don’t think “let everyone do everything” is a good idea? Don’t have faith in the playerbase to not turn wow into microsoft paint with Pandaren Demon Hunters and Goblin Paladins and other horrible combos running around everywhere?

Yep, it’s a bad idea. It’s a fantasy open-world game. I don’t care one bit about lore per se, but I do care about an established setting… seriously why would anyone play a fantasy open world game if they didn’t care about a coherent setting.

I want to be darth vad3r.