Lore does matter. See Legion

Also, they really don’t need to explain this more than they have on the PTR.

Warlocks are not imbued with Fel. They merely channel it.

It’s quite easy to say Mag’har learned from the Orcs and Lightforged are merely Draenei who underwent a Ritual. (and it’s easy to say the Draenei learned from the Broken, who have canonically been Warlocks AND accepted in Draenei society since BC)

This is like demanding they explain how Dark Iron Frost Mages and Resto Shaman don’t become Extinguished.

They channel the magic - they aren’t imbued with it. Channeling doesn’t “corrupt” the warlocks. Our warlocks are not imbued with Fel Magic. They don’t have fel magic coursing through their veins. There’s no contradiction to a Mag’har or Lightforged being a playable Warlock.

A lot of you seem to mix up the Burning Legion Warlocks with the playable Warlocks - they are two separate entities entirely.


Jinyu… we were really cheated out of MoP allied races.


Hehe, wait until we get maghar DHs.

Can’t wait to see the explanation for that

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The funny sad part is we basically did a quest to train them up to better combat the Hozen an had set up camps with them. Would have made perfect mages/shamans/warriors right off the rip

everyone has a line that can be crossed with the story. everyone cares about it to a certain degree - unless you’re playing this game as an arcade LFG simulator like the pros…you care. :100:

wonder where the line is for the pro all class/all race folks…when i get to play a Naga druid maybe? :grimacing:

all i want is in depth lore - and for them to continue a great story that’s been alive for over 20 years…quick 5 minute scenarios are not the way. i think the standards are way too low on here.


Demon Hunters are where I would want explanation as well.

Warlocks are where I think people are throwing tantrums for no reason, because they for some reason think there’s fel magic in them, when there isn’t.

They simply channel fel magic.

There’s zero lore contradiction for warlocks of any race. (Especially for some like Draenei where being exposed to it for so long with it in their society with the Broken, they should have had it YEARS ago)

It’s Demon Hunters where we’d start to have issues with some races, like Lightforged and Mag’har.

Already addressed this if you wanna claim that the other 10 threads being anti lore were worse.
People unsubbing because they dont like something isnt a tantrum… its called voting with ur wallet. That would be like saying I quit buying a monthly sub to a newspaper cause I dont like whats being written an calling it a tantrum

O ya an the idiot claiming we were racist for not disagreeing with the classes being all opened up was my favorite.

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No, it is called a tantrum. As Maizou said,


I 1000% guarantee you for every person who leaves because of this, there’s probably 2-3 people who return because they can now be a Draenei/Pandaren/etc. Warlock.

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The maiden in tomb of sargeras shows us LFD DH can exist.

Maghar on the other hand, blizz is gonna have to flex their brain power for that one.

“Decades after defeating archimonde, the maghar orcs grew an immunity to the corrupting effects of fel.”

Line was crossed for me a long time ago when the story focus shifted from the world, the people, and their cultures to a handful of names and faction ideas.

Old School background always clashed with the idea that locking classes somehow meant lore. It’s lazy shorthand when there has been zero investment. Practically meaningless!

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W.e helps u sleep at night I guess if ur just here to toss around insults have a good day/night wont bother with u further.

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Accusing me of tossing insults, despite everything I’ve said wasn’t even close to an insult…


omg stop lol


Gonna be fun seeing LFD locks running around in heritage armor.

These whiners are gonna have a meltdown

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Speaking of which, I think… Hold on, I need to check.

EDIT: Yes, I do have the LFD Heritage

it does, the problem is not everyone cares. this is why classic plus is in demand because it doesn’t have any of the smears the lore has rn and its supposed build on it. a fresh slate

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So everyone running around with the Ashbringer.

New Class Race combo.

Why are you advocating the very thing you’re defending against.



Anyway despite the obvious trolls that start up another thread beating around the bush to stir the swarm.
Plenty of simple solutions to be had here to make this fun an engaging.
A decent story or quests individual of the races. Would work just fine separate servers an before we get nay sayers ppl raged about classic an it worked fine shocker.
Personally fine with adding more races/class combos so long as its not just ham fisted Zero effort by Blizzard the players are owed that much given all the garbage they tossed at us


Did Blizzard hire Alex Kurtzman? He’s great at ruining lore or any story handed to him.