Loot needs fixed, and stop making excuses because of your transmog

The fact they didn’t respond to the post about how lfr gear could very well be an upgrade despite ilvl is enough proof to me that this person isn’t serious about this discussion unless they are writing a response to it at this very moment.


you cherrypicked one part of my whole comment.
Where I then went on to state the problem you said I never stated…

just becaues some people are having an easy time, does not mean there is not a problem
I can get all the loot and then go “hey, why didn’t anybody else get loot” and realise that there is a problem

Holy crap…

It don’t need fixing, there is no way to fix it that will completely satisfy everyone. What you need to do is accept that this game isn’t actually about loot but it’s actually about the moment to moment gameplay.

Once you accept that, you can let the stresses of loot roll off your shoulders. It isn’t worth worrying about, it’s all irrelevant by the next patch anyway.



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Then why are you taking it so seriously? if someone was genuinely mad they didn’t get a loot roll in LFR, they would be the ones making this post, not you. to insinuate that this has nothing to do with you is a farce. You have been fighting everyone posting on here about it, throwing fits, and insulting anyone that even objects to your madness.

This is what happens to people with the LFR mindset. Nothing is better than LFR, they choose not to do any other type of content outside of WQ’s or LFR, and think that it is the epitome of content, and take it too seriously.

all I have read from your posts, make you sound like a whiney, mad, greedy little gremlin, that can’t fathom other players playing the game, and simply existing.

The loot roll system is the most FAIR system you can get. it is PURELY RNG, nothing else.

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because I see every comment and know what you are talking aobut.

Or maybe their point wasn’t even worth talking about because the chances that somebody in FULL MYTH TIER GEAR IS GOING TO NEED THAT 1% CHANCE UPGRADE?

no, you are talking about a niche within a niche circumstance that will essentially never happen.


and you can’t really have those moments when you dont get gear because no invites…

glad you are on the same page.

Because there are other people playing, duh

why aren’t you taking it more serious?

I do normal raids. Heroic on a couple toons. I do mythic plus.
Got keystone master two seasons in a row.
got 2.1k on my mage and my druid in arena…

I do other stuff. I can just multitask and acknowledge that there is also a problem…

But invites to what? There is levels of content out there for all gear levels. You can’t ever really be denied playing the game.

I quoted an entire paragraph and it doesn’t change anything you said. As a matter of fact, even if I had quoted everything else, my reply is still absolutely the same.

You geared up, others geared up, I geared up and none of us needed LFR gear to do so.

The list of ways to gear and get tier have been laid out in black and white. You continue to ignore it because it doesn’t fit your false narrative.

Try again.


/10 char

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It’s hard to take this fake problem wherein you feel entitled to loot that other people won. Or, where you feel like someone else is entitled to loot a different person won and you are feeling upset on their behalf, is where this thread is at now?

They’ve managed to ignore all the people pointing out how LFR is one of the worst ways to acquire gear at that item level too.

You can try to win a piece or two from running every wing of LFR for two hours, or do the open world weeklies and get 4-5 pieces guaranteed for a fraction of the effort.

This is pure, holier-than-thou, attention-seeking virtue signaling.


Nobody is saying they need a transmog. Using the “need” button isn’t an acknowledgement on the player’s part that they NEED the gear. They want the transmog, and they’re playing by the rules in the only way that guarantees they get it if they roll the highest.

Also, you understand nobody actually NEEDS the gear, right? This is all just for fun. People who get visibly upset about not obtaining gear need a reality check lmao

I explicity stated earlier that I did gear up thorugh lfr because its technically the best way to get your set pieces the fastest in addition to other content.

but since you don’t read, you don’t know that. And since you only read some thing, and came to conclusions on half-read info…I can’t take you serious.

why do you keep making it about loot other people won, vs player power?

it takes five weeks to get your set via world quests.
Some people can get their whole teir set in two weeks via lfr
if thats worse than five weeks, I don’t know math suddenly.

you are just using words you heard that look cool at this point lol.

so then you also acknowledge that LFR isn’t that important, and not getting some gear from LFR isn’t the end of the world for players, and that players have various different avenues to acquire gear? and we don’t need to hear some self righteous blabbering of an individual who can’t seem to fathom that other players exist in this game with their own wants/needs?

gear is an intrinsic part of the experience. I challenge you to go do content without any gear. Watch how fast you get smeared.

Your logic is discounting the entire gameplay loop we are all in.
The game is almost exclusively about gearing up and getting stronger, not looking prettier

All this tells me is that you literally don’t even play the game if you think that’s true :dracthyr_shrug:

There’s a reason why you’re posting on a throwaway alt.


Because that is what it is about, loot that other people won, and you thinking that they don’t deserve it or should feel bad.

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And this is absolutely false. It’s the worst way. Everyone has been telling you that. You keep ignoring it.

Oh the absolute irony…


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Why do you think that you deserve something more than others because they have a higher number by their name? Why do you feel that people with a higher item level deserve less items? Wouldn’t make sense that since (numerically), people with higher item levels contribute more so they should get more of a benefit?

Well that’s not how the system works. Everyone who participates is equally entitled to whatever the item(s) is that dropped. Sorry you lost the roll. Don’t forget that there are 9 mythic 0 dungeons that can be done for loot as well. Also, timewalking week is this week. If you do the 5 dungeons, it gives a piece of normal loot. If you do the raid, the quest rewards a hero track item from the raid. Better luck next time.

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The game is about memorizing a rotation to kill stuff and enjoying doing so. It’s not about gear.