Loot needs fixed, and stop making excuses because of your transmog

Need = Rolling for Player power. If you are not getting an improvement, don’t use this roll.
Greed = Rolling for greed. You are selling an item, and sometimes I know people use this for disenchanting even though there is a seperate option…Still??? There was anyway.
The point being is that there is also another option.
A transmog roll. Meaning you “need” it for transmog. If it is not giving you player power, you don’t need it.

I can’t remember the last time I ever beat a raid boss and they looked at our raid and said, “damn, yall are looking fresh! Bro, are those the new Treads of Thessarians PJ Slippers? DAAAYYYYUUUUUUMMM! i DON’T THINK WE CAN BEAT THESE CHAMPIONS, THEY ARE TOO ON POINT. THEIR DRIP IS OVER 9000!” and then ran away and left all the loot…

By pretending you NEED a piece of gear for transmog, you are stealing an essential bit of player power and player progression from another player.
Another fellow subscription payer.

I hear that a lot, “I pay mah subscripshun, eye can do whateber i want hur dur”…
Sure. You are, technically, correct. You are free to be a nuissance to everybody around you. You are absolutely free to be a complete jackanape about anything and everything, and there is not anything anybody can do about it, not really.

But remember, you rolling need, in your full blown maxed-out Myth tier gear bis in every slot, rolling need an some Veteran tier weapons just for the mog, despite being able to literally buy the weapon mogs now.

That’s how greedy you are. Even when you have a way to obtain the transmog in a way that is not destructive to those around you, you still chose the worst path possible. And for nothing other than shinies in a video game. A game that will, one day, be deleted.

So you go ahead and focus on your temporary shines. The rest of us sane people, would like to keep playing the game for the experience and part of that experience is doing the content we would like to do.

Now, before you go and try and make this personal. It isn’t. There is no specific person. Instead, I am talking about a problem with loot that is causing too many people to be unable to do even basic content in a timely manner.
This is not about me either. While some of my characters have bad luck…a few of them literally have still not gotten a single natty drop from lfr, raids, or even m+. Only the vault or by trading with people who did get the loot.

I get gear when I need it. Sometimes you gotta work at it. Great.
But nobody, not me, not you, not anybody…nobody, I repeat, NOBODY. needs to be held back by another person being greedy. Transmog is not player power, so thus does not overtly affect your experience.

However, not getting gear in a timely fashion can actually make it virtually improbable for some people to make it into even basic M0 dungeons, let alone a real raid.

Some people, LFR is their new “raid night”. Not everybody has the time to sit there for hours at a time farming out materials and enchants and gold and food and flasks and and and…Some people want to just come in, see the raid, see the lore and the story and how their favourite game is going…and then try for other stuff.

You say transmog is forever, but so are experiences.
You are ruining the essential experience for so many other people by being greedy and selfish.
How? As stated above, you taking their player power and using it for transmog instead? It slows their progression down. You might try and say that lfr isn’t progression…but yet, for many it is. As I said already lol. The problem comes when you think that your transmog is a more important experience than somebody being able to actually even play the game.

When they can’t get gear, they can’t get invited…and you all know that, and yet so many of you still persist.
It is a self destructive cycle, and it is only hurting the overall health of the community, the game, and just how we play the game at all. Pushing people to just roll need on everything, means a lot of people will never actually get anything until it’s already too late.

Again. You want to use the excuse of “I pay so I can play however I want”
And again, yes, you can. You should just also remember that everybody else is ALSO paying their subscription, and imagine…how chaotic it would be if we ALL played like you. Nothing would ever be accomplished.

But what do I know, I have only been here for like 17 years and watched loot ninjas go from being the lowest of the lowest scum suckers…to being the only way to get loot because it’s no longer being a ninja its just how the game is played…

But it’s only played that way because you make it that way by perpetuating it.
You are causing your own problems.

“oh, but if I showed up i should be able to roll”
Where did I once say you can’t roll? I said to be specific with your rolls. If you don’t need it for player power, roll greed or transmog. If its just transmog, you can keep coming back as a side project.
These people are here for gear as their MAIN project. Your transmog is secondary to everybody, including you. You just pretend otherwise to maintain the illusion that you aren’t doing any harm.

“Oh, but I am carrying these fools lel, i get all the gear because I am teh bestest. I am super dee duper saiyan”
Wrong. Give people gear and they will naturally be doing more damage. Even a bad dps can do more damage with better gear = less need to be carried.
IT also means you are more likely to get invited into a group, which means more practice.
More practice (usually) means more gudder.
More gudder = less need for carry.
Thus, passing on loot means you have to work less in the future. You are making your life easier by not needing on gear you don’t actually need.

Every point you come at this with, I can counter and I would bet in advance…can be summed up as “I am a selfish jerk who doesn’t think about anybody but myself in every regard”…

Try me. Tell me your reason why you think your transmog is more important than a player’s ability to even experience the game?

AT this point, there are literally THOUSANDS of posts about this. It is not just me. It is just just a few people. It is an emerging problem in the community, and it needs to be discussed and mitigated as soon as possible.

You are ruining the core experience of World of Warcraft for other players just so you can have shinies that you have all season to get.

I mean, a solid 20% of my mog comes from using the transmog roll option, so I know it works. You just have to actually use it like intended.

The system works, you just have to stop abusing it.


I love it when people write a block of text that I can just disregard with the first sentence.

Need = need it for something. Everyone downs the boss, everyone has equal right to the loot.

Your need isn’t more important. Go get some equivalent loot from following a tree for ten minutes and get over it.


dindt say that at all.
I even coverd that exact argument above.

I don’t care that you roll. You don’t NEED it, you WANT it for transmog. there is a transmog button, a greed button, and even a disenchant button.
Use the right button.


I need the transmog though


Then roll the transmog roll.
Thats a transmog need roll.

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I do, by needing on everything that the system lets me need on, just like everyone else.

You’re not going to change anything by spamming this thread every hour. Hit the button like everyone else and stop worrying about what other people that you’ll never meet again are getting or not getting.


No, I NEED the transmog


and there is the problem.

So good, you do agree that there is a problem with loot and that we need a fix.
Glad to see we are on the same page.

that doesnt fix the problem. That just puts a bandaid on a sharkbite.

hey op good luck tying to tell every one that was in the raid to roll how you want them to roll.
if the need button is light up ill use it


that is the essence of the problem. It should not be there when something is a clear downgrade.
I can’t trade a ring when it is 1ilvl higher than my current ring, no matter how bad the stats are…but yet this is okay to roll need on something that is like 40 ilvls lower?

It is utterly illogical, and I am glad you agree.

But do you have a solution?


Good thing that you posted this made up rule in a brand new thread and not the ten currently active ones. No it isn’t, no it doesn’t, we need a megathread for complaining that you lost a loot roll, add some hot takes where people think Ilvl is the only thing that matters and are confidently incorrect, /thread.


Interesting interpretation, champ.

I don’t see a problem. LFR is for transmog and touring the raids, not gearing up.

You have multiple other avenues, not my problem if you’re not using them. Stop spamming this thread for attention.


Its not made up.
IT’s the default user interface. What universe are you living in?

I challenge you to get into just a M0 with just heroic dungeon gear. I bet you can’t get in…
It is gearing up, and I already covered that in my op.
Try again.

And when it is an improvement over secondaries or it’s tier, it’ll get used.

You also don’t get to tell people what to do. If the game allows them to roll need, they are allowed to roll need.

You don’t get to decide that.

LFR is not the path to good gearing. Stop using it as one.


Bro really wrote a whole 5 paragraph essay to just say. “Stop rolling need for transmog”

Don’t worry i got the cliff notes version for you all.


If it wasn’t made up, you wouldn’t be making this thread because it would already work that way.

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I did M0s on my alt without any raid gear

So, what do I win


The problem isn’t the loot disbursement method. I’m confident in saying the vast majority, including myself, don’t care a dime someone else gets upset I rolled need in a downgrade. I have zero personal investment in people I’ll likely never see again and I want rewards for spending my time in there, same as everyone else. Now if I’m running with friends? I’ll absolutely ask if they can use things I win and can’t use and they’ll do the same for me. I have a personal investment in our relationship.

The rest of you are NPCs :dracthyr_shrug:

Blame the game, not the player.


It’s made up, and not how it works. Need is allowed for anything except the same item at a higher level already being in your inventory. Not what you said

never said that once.

I said those are teh intended uses of the buttons, so why use them inappropriately? It is just illogical. STop trying to make it personal.

and yet for some, it is the only one.

I already said this wasn’t about me, but you didn’t read as usual Sen.

as many have pointed out, i can’t control how other people use their mouse…

Just because people are choosing to do something else because they are greedy, does not make it okay or even a good thing to do.

I know for a fact you are lying.

I have a 505 Resto druid and can’t even get into M0 half the time, so I know you didn’t get into a M0 with heroic dungeon gear.