Loot needs fixed, and stop making excuses because of your transmog

Did Asmon rant about this or something? So many bottom-tier posters coming out of the woodwork with zero understanding of how gearing works to virtue signal about the poor widdle baby LFR raiders :pleading_face:


I think you just don’t speak English very well. Not making fun or anything, I just don’t think you get it.

There is no contradiction. Rolling honestly on your rolls would mean “oh, I already have that or beter, so let me roll transmog instead of NEED”

To do otherwise is greedy. There is no contradiction.

Win the roll.



You wanting the loot they won fairly is also being greedy. You are also trying to ruin the playtime of other people for shinies as well. You are no better than them because you feel you “need” it more or your “need” is more valid. I don’t want free stuff because I showed up. I do world content and then upgrade that for my tier set bonus. So I end up with better gear than you can get in LFR. I just did these LFRs to finish a meta achievement.

You are the person asking people not to make rolls they are entitled to because you believe your needs outweigh theirs.


It’s no more greedy than rolling need because it is an upgrade, though. You want something, it is only available at the expense of someone else, and you decide to try to get it anyway. There’s no difference here, other than you deeming one thing ‘more worthy’ which is when you broke out the line about greedy jerks.

Let’s take a look back, shall we?

And then you went immediately into insults in your OP and beyond. This was never going to be constructive.


Threads like this make me wonder about people sometimes.

I lose a roll in LFR, I just move on with my life. I don’t /inspect the winner, I don’t whisper them for the item. I just move on.

This game has never guaranteed you’d get gear in a raid/dungeon.


Why are you pointing blame at the players for using the loot system as implemented?

I mean, I know why, but can you tell me why?

Which is why I said, “even in the most ridiculous of situations.”

Because let’s be honest. You’ve been disappointed in game with a loot roll. We all have. Whether it’s because you needed to beat a 23 and you rolled a 6, or because someone got a 98 to your 97, it is disappointing. There’s nothing wrong with admitting that these tiny things can be a little disappointing.

Where the empathy comes in, is if a player knows that they are only needing it for xmog or disenchantment or selling (which is ridiculous because you can make 10k gold right now in an hour on open world quests), instead of using the xmog or greed button, then they are not showing empathy for another person. If you think it’s ridiculous (which you seem to), then roll need.

I’m not here to say that you should show empathy in this situation, because it is quite frankly, ridiculous. You live your life the way you want. But big things are made of little things, and the most serious are made of the most ridiculous. That’s my ethos, anyway.

I’m sorry, but whining about people being greedy while you literally made a post on the forums about not being able to get the gear you want is hysterical.

This is part of playing a multiplayer game. If you don’t like it, go play a single player game. You won’t have to fight anyone over it there.

I have actually lost count of how many times I have NOT won a loot roll in LFR over many many toons, I can’t even guess at this point. It’s literally always loot/roll/move on. I’ve done this for YEARS since this type of system was put in the game.

I will continue to roll whatever I feel like rolling, whatever Blizz has implemented. If the system allows me to need - I will choose need when I feel like, not one when someone else dictates I am able to. Nope, not happening.

That’s the difference between a well-adjusted adult and whatever this is :dracthyr_crylaugh:


them needing on loot they don’t need is the problem. For people to want the loot they can use for a powerup is only natural, not greedy.

player power is progression = player experience and playtime.
Transmog does not equal power or experience. thus calling them shinies. collection, no power.

player power is a need. If you want to keep carrying hard, then keep needing gear you don’t need, then the other people will always need you.

then don’t worry about it, its just a cheevo and transmog. if it’s so unimportant, why are you rolling need?

nope. I want them to be honest with their rolls.
Roll transmog for transmog.
Use the disenchant button to disenchant. Use greed to sell it.

They are there for a reason. Just because you willingly ignore that out of convenience, does not change reality.

player power = progress = what we are paying for.
If people cant get the gear they need to push forward, they can’t really play the game they are paying for as well.
IT’s just not the same.

no, becauese they don’t need it for power.
This game is all about the content…and when you can’t get into the content, you don’t want to play.

Your greed is creating the problem of low damage people, and is creating another problem where people want to unsubscribe because they can go weeks without gear.

Again, mind you that most of my charcters are pushing 500 ilvl and up. I am not here for me. I am here for the problem.

To claim I am here out of selfish reasons is just silly.

Thing is…nobody that wants LFR transmog is frothing at the mouth when they don’t win a piece of gear.


I got the gear I want.
how many damn times do I need to say it? This isnt’ about me, its about a problem the community is facing.

As per the dozens of new posts every day talking about it.
When that many people are saying the exact same thing…MAYBE, JUST GAWTDAMNED MAYBE…THERE IS A PROBLEM THAT NEEDS TALKED ABOUT, HOLY CRAP imagine that…

If you’re gearing up that high and others are gearing up that high and they aren’t getting stuff from LFR, then it’s not a problem.

Glad we got that worked out.

is server access, it isn’t other people funneling you gear. They might be playing to collect.

No it isn’t, they can get gear in dungeons without group loot in the slightest. It is not possible to go weeks without gear thanks to the vault.

I’ll be honest, this is the first time I’ve even seen such a post, and when I go to the front page of GD, I have to scroll quite far to even get anything that resembles a similar post.

So perhaps the “dozens of new posts every day” is a bit of an exaggeration.

cherry picking leaves the tree askew…

just like saying you NEEEEEEED a transmog…

There is no cherry picking. But thanks for the strawman since you can’t come up with a real argument.