Loot needs fixed, and stop making excuses because of your transmog

Okay, but LFR isn’t the only way to obtain gear?

Like, I would completely and totally understand if LFR was the only way you could increase your power in this game, but not is it not the only way to gear, it’s also one of the worst.

If you run LFR and you don’t get the gear you want, then you move onto the next mode of gearing and you try again next week.

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that is literally what this whole thread is about. ITs what my op is about. That people are playing differently and its hurting the community as a whole because greed never helps anybody but the person doing it…

You are using the logic of “you don’t care about other people’s needs” while also literally telling me that you are the one who doesn’t care about other people.

I am saying to share loot, you are saying you are entitled just for showing up and because you want shinies.
I am saying everybody is entitled to gear to help progress to help make their overall experience better.
what you want is to make it worse.

No, you NEED it for transmog and have as much right to roll need as someone that NEEDs it for power.

I understand you are proposing something different but I think the existing system is fine as is. Power lasts for a season and transmog is forever, so it has infinitely more value.

Edit: Blizzard’s likely response would be “LFR is a free-for all and we expect everyone to roll need, organized guilds will be running a loot council and that’s what we want to see–cooperative game play at it’s best.” In short, join a guild using a loot distribution system more to your liking; LFR is not changing for you.


Not always, sometimes when people reach the top they become a river unto their people.

How is everyone entitled to gear, when there are more people than gear drops? Everyone isn’t getting that piece of gear, so why do you think that one person wanting shinies is more valid than another person’s want of the shiny?

OMG… the fact that you tried to yell at me about cherry picking and here you are, doing exactly that, twisting someone else’s partial sentence into something else entirely… I don’t even have words for this ridiculousness.

Responding to you is a complete waste of time.


those are not the same thing.

A transmog roll is a “need” roll for transmog.
Transmog has no bearing on you getting into groups, meanwhile ilvl has s direct correlation.

It isn’t. A need roll is a need roll for transmog, a transmog roll is a roll between greed and off-spec need for transmog.

Sure it does, I don’t invite people who dress like you.

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that’s what their whole post was about…why quote the whole thing when their last sentence summed it up?

Players rolling Need on loot only for the looks has been going on since vanilla. There was a hunter on one of my servers back in the day who had several non-Hunter sets and would stand in Ironforge and show them off and annoy people saying, “Look what I have and you don’t and I won it fair and square.” He was occasionally told to stop rolling need on things like Dreadmist and he said he did need it. He needed it to make others mad.

It’s not going to change. People aren’t going to change.

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No, it wasn’t. AT ALL. You twisted it, you cherry picked a sentence, you didn’t even attempt to comprehend it because it doesn’t fit your crap narrative.

Muting this dumpster fire.

You make no sense because you have nothing left to say becaues you know you are wrong. Stop.

lol people used to get kicked for that. Nobody rolled for appearances until the loot was done being used for power becuse it didn’t matter what you looked like as long as you could stab the hp bar good.

This is just a bunch of blah, blah, blah. Just own up to you being selfish and entitled when it comes to gear that you feel you deserved.

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And they can still be kicked for that. If it is your group, you can kick whomever you please. If it is LFR, you can vote to kick them with a majority vote.

Of course infinite transmog and limited power are not the same thing, but under Blizzards Group Loot Rules, you can roll need on whatever the player determines is “needed.” Rolling Transmog is not a useful option unless the in-game rules enforced it’s usage (they don’t so it’s useless).

Maybe you should review this article from Blizzard on the “rules.”

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I think the funny part of this entire thread is OP attempting to downplay the significance of transmog, as if Blizzard hasn’t painstakingly made transmog an intrinsic part of the experience for WoW.

They host fashion-related events. We have a new store that rotates new transmogs and cosmetics. They post marketing materials like Mog Mondays. There’s very little part of WoW at this point that hasn’t been touched by the transmog craze.

Blizzard clearly puts high emphasis on it, so I don’t know why we should view anyone who needs roll on a transmog as somehow lesser.


Nah, I just know that you’re just keeping this going because we’re the only people who will talk to you.

I stopped taking you seriously as a person about 100 posts ago.

I quoted the whole thing and nothing was added.
I didn’t cherry pick, I just took the last sentence because their whole post is the last sentence…
me thinks you have no point and want to just be mad because you have nothing left to ad.
I have asked you across several characters to ignore me and block me becaues all you ever do is this drama starting bs…

but yet you keep coming back for more after constantly telling me you can’t talk to me anymore

sounds like you want attention.

says the one rolling need on everything for nothing other than transmog?

wild how i can say openly that I want more people to have loot, but somehow its selfish.
almost like you just want to have a ppoint and pretend you are right…

you do you.

lmao this guy trying to take cheap shots at my post count and then they admit to sock puppeting

What’s your post count across all your characters, chief? If you have beef with Sendryn then you’ve been here a minute.

Another thread that proves why we need battletags.

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