Loot needs fixed, and stop making excuses because of your transmog

Blizzard needs to make it so you cannot inspect others in LFR. This is not about empathy, if someone is in BiS gear they are doing LFR because they want something from it. It is not for us to judge how worthy they are of the loot they are given. I know of many people that would purposely go into LFR with lower gear for this reason.


You don’t see a problem and this is my point exactly.

I’m not disparaging you for how you see it and how you play the game. But as I said, until everyone has more empathy for strangers in even the most ridiculous of situations, nothing will change.


its up to them to be greedy jerks though?
Its okay for them to ruin the playtime of other people for shinies?

AGain, yet another response that sums up to “i want free stuff because I showed up” instead of “i want more people to have a good experience in-game”

I feel like that doesn’t really solve the issue. Looking at someone’s gear or talents can be useful, I think people need to just accept when they don’t win a roll.

So we’re at the spam stage now.

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I think people need to be honest and stop rolling need on player power when its a downgrade. There is an option to roll for transmog, so use it.

Someone who is playing season 4, please tell me if you can get crafted gear that’s of equal quality or better on the AH. I am really curious.

Why is it okay for you to be a greedy jerk and ruin the playtime of other people for shinies? People aren’t spiteful (by and large, at least) just because they want a piece of loot. Why don’t you pass so other people can get their transmog and have a good experience in game?

I’m rolling need on gear, where can I roll on player power exactly?


no, thats called “hey, maybe there is a problem and I should look into this”

what part of me saying “i want more loot for more people and sharing” turned into being greedy?

Alright, make me

I won an axe and a tier piece last lfr and I didn’t even need the transmog

I am inevitable


I will never understand why people take LFR so seriously…Grabbing at loot from LFR, frothing at the mouth over someone in higher gear getting a drop is just sad.


frothing at the mouth over a piece of transmog in lfr is even lower, so thanks for helping.

The part where you want people not to be allowed to roll and said if they roll they are being greedy jerks.

Everyone playing a fair game of chance with things that are irrelevant IRL has nothing to do with empathy. But if that’s what you wanna go with, start campaigning for loot to go automatically to the neediest in the group.

i literally already covered this, not only in my op, but in several responses.
I never said to not roll or that you can’t.
I said be honest.
Completely different things, and you keep intentionally not seeing that.

How does the game determine when something is a clear downgrade? There have been LFR quality weapons and trinkets that have outperformed heroic level items. You can’t go based on lilevel alone.

Also, what if it’s a tier token and someone needs one more piece for 4 set? In this case, LFR quality tier set would easily out perform champion non tier.

There is no easy formula that will work without also screwing over people in a number of situations. This has already been stated in the other numerous threads about LFR loot that have been posted in the last week or two.


If the game lets you roll you have as much right to the loot as the next person.

The fact you play less and are under geared is a you problem and doesn’t entitle you more loot.

That “over geared” person probably carried you through the raid anyway.

The idea that one person has more of a right to a given item than another person is simply dumb.

Your entitlement is off the charts.

who said playing less?
literally every line of your comment is some regurgitated talking point from the thieves who keep needing on stuff they dont need.

only because they keep taking gear and without gear you can’t do more damage
they are creating the problem they claim to fix…

they do have the right to have a better play experience.

coming from the guy advocating to roll need on literally everything.

These are two very different messages. If you were to say your message was “people are greedy jerks if they want loot” that’d be consistent, at least. Saying people are greedy jerks for rolling on items is not saying “Be honest” though.

Why not go after transmog? it’s part of the game. Collecting is a massive part of WoW. People want a chance at pieces from LFR, to complete a set? they have every right to roll on gear, just as you.

Just seems you can’t grasp that concept is what i looks like to me.