Loot needs fixed, and stop making excuses because of your transmog

I lost to a player who has a temporary upgrade he’ll replace in a level 71 quest in Khaz Algar.

If I won, I’d have a mog I could still be wearing beyond Worldsoul.


Nah that gear doesn’t mean they’ll do better at anything

Literally did LFR earlier this week with another blood DK who outgeared me and they did 100k less dps than I did

At least when I get transmog I know its going to a player I can rely on

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You can trade ilevel upgrades in GL too.

So the rule is I can only roll need if it’s a power upgrade? But, I’ve rolled need on transmog multiple times. So…your definition is made up. It isn’t how the game functions.


if it has a need option click need. your feelings are not a factor on players options or choices.

Too bad lfr doesn’t have personal loot.

Let me explain it very clearly then. It is made up until they make the changes you brought up in this thread. Until they do, it’s a made up rule. As of now they are merely suggestions but not rules.

so are you, so why need on it if its “just lfr gear bro, chill”. just roll transmog you will get it eventually bro, just chill and wait.

You are telling people to wait on being able to get into content just so you can have transmog. It’s selfish in the highest degree lol.

I advocate for a better distribution of loot for more people so that we can actually get people into end game content on a more consistent basis…
and you just keep saying “lel me be pretty, much better than anything”

Lol and here come the real trolls, flagging because they don’t like what I said.

I love how people are so easily pushed into being fascists just because they don’t agree with you or don’t like what you say.

That’s my queue, and yours, to head out. The very kinds of people I mention in my op are now here and don’t like being seen and called out like this.

Deuces peeps.

LOL I thought this was about LFR.

You getting into content is not the fault of no LFR gear. Learn how to gear and how to play and how to make your own groups.

I only roll greed unless an upgrade.

I don’t like all the whispers you get in personal loot.

Guilds stacked armor types in personal loot, so they could funnel everything to that new meta character that is rerolling or whatever. Personally i don’t see this as a problem, but i think it is a problem for some players.

Instead of that one player getting 2 good rolls, half the LFR is one type, so their person will probably get about 5 pieces. They can also all roll need group loot, but the type of gear being dropped can no longer be controlled.

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Wow you gave up this troll thread really quickly. Get too hot for you?


Hope some people get some cool transmog

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I don’t like how people abuse the system either.

It basically boils down to how people would treat strangers if nobody is watching when they don’t see a problem.

No problem, most of the player base is “frick you, I’m getting mine” when it comes to strangers. When it comes to guildies or friends, they treat them differently.

And that’s the issue. They don’t see a problem. They think of LFR as their own personal loot pinata, which is why the group loot system shouldn’t be in place in LFR.

Personally, if it’s a tier slot and I have something that can be converted to tier (i.e., anything but wyrmforged crap), I won’t roll on it unless it’s got a tertiary or a gem slot.

But also, I usually look to see who’s winning the roll, and if they’re rockin’ champion level 8/8 tier shoulder and needing on a veteran 2/8 non-tier? I’m rolling need and then giving it to the next person in line who actually needs it.

I actually won the 2H from tree in Amir, then won the 2H from smolderon. Was in the next LFR wing with the dude who rolled second on the tree 2H, and gave it to him. Because it was an upgrade for him, and 68 gold isn’t enough to make me sell out my own personal principles.

Until everyone has a higher degree of empathy for complete strangers in even the most ridiculous things, nothing will change.

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No, cause I spent just as much time on the boss as the rest of the raid. I’ll roll on what I can use.

People can get better gear by other means. I can’t get LFR colouring without running LFR. :slight_smile:

You’re not wrong. :slight_smile:


I do those things. And so do others. And many people still can’t get things started.

You grossly understimate how much people put weight into having your four-piece set before going into M0 and M+.
You, personally, might not care, but the whole community certainly does.
So yes, people do have a hard time. AGain, I am not talking about me. Some of my characters struggle and some don’t, all with no apparent causes. Just random decisions made by random people. Not really the topic here.

The problem goes beyond me.
You have at least six people in here talking to me about “this is just another spam post”…and then turn around and act like I am the only person who sees the problem and that I am the only person to ever ever talk about it, its wild.

Count how many people in this thread agree with you.

No, lots of people talk about it because it’s an easy way to start an argument and get the attention they clearly lack in real life.


If someone helped to kill the boss, they should get a chance to get the loot that they can equip, regardless of their gear.


Honestly, people in LFR should not care who the gear goes out to.
Roll need if you need for whatever reason. If you win it, great! If you don’t, there’s always next week AND the vault.


I think Blizzard moved away from personal look just to enjoy this drama. It’s so good and it never stops.

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