Loot is still a problem

the only loot that regularly drops is stuff no one ever wants whether its keys or raid just the same old garbage that always does and no body needs it anymore but hey for the ones saying its fine guess you love spending ridiculous amounts of time playing wow after 18 yrs still. and then you got people in here who still love raiding after 18 yrs trying to ruin keys more good job guys.

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I was running Taz, Docks and Junkyard ALL week last week for a weapon. I got hardly any loot from anywhere. In my vault was a weapon and a trinket. The trinket was a large upgrade, so I had to take it. Then…my first iron docks run of the week. I get the weapon. So now I have two weapons on my DH.

You get 2 pieces of gear?

I’ve been trying to gear my Mage for awhile just so I can do what is required for the vault, and at least attempt to get some sort of tokens to max out my renown on another level 60 so I can get cosmetics. :sob:

I think the Dinar thing is actually a good idea, and hope they carry it over to DF.

Couple that with a slightly higher drop rate and they’d probably get it right where it should be.

How is loot “horrendous” this expansion? You get 40% chance for loot in +2-15 regardless if it was timed or not. Not to mention, 3 drops or 60%, in higher keys.

They updated the loot drops like 3 major patches ago.

There’s a difference from item hunting a specific drop and getting a drop.

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There’s reason casinos always win in the end.

While RNG is RNG, they set the odds.

Select all and look at the drops, notice how some things drop more than others?

+2-15 is not raids. (Hard concept, I know.)

Also, given that they were talking about running 8 dungeons and getting 2 pieces, either they’re not running M+ yet, or they clearly aren’t getting the drop rates you’re suggesting.

OP talked about M+ last time I read it.

Either way, they also buffed Raid drops to match BFA back in like 9.0.5.

Reading the patch notes is a hard concept, I know.

Do you know what a bell curve is? Maybe learn how statistics work. You have a 40% chance for loot regardless if it was timed or not. 60% in higher keys.

No, they didn’t. In fact, they NERFED loot drops in Raids right after 9.0 (I was there, I remember the fuss about it), and they did not revert that in 9.0.5. Here’s the Loot notes for the entirety of 9.0.5 for your claim:


  • The community voted mount, The Wandering Ancient, is now available!
  • Gear acquired from Mythic Keystone dungeons are now upgradable with Valor, a new currency that is earned from completing Mythic Keystone dungeons and covenant Callings. The weekly Valor cap will start at 5000 Valor earnable in the first week, and will increase by 750 Valor each week. There will be a maximum of 1500 Valor a character can hold at a time. Gear that dropped before the patch is unable to be upgraded.
  • 200 Item Level: Initial item upgrade level.
  • 207 Item Level: Requires the Keystone Explorer achievement – Earned by completing all eight Shadowlands dungeons at Mythic 5 or higher, within the time limit.
  • 213 Item Level: Requires the Shadowlands Keystone Conqueror achievement – Earned by completing all Shadowlands dungeons at Mythic 10 or higher, within the time limit.
  • 220 Item Level: Requires the Shadowlands Keystone Master achievement – Earned by completing all Shadowlands dungeons at Mythic 15 or higher, within the time limit.
  • Completing a Mythic Keystone dungeon after the timer has ended will now reward a second item. The item level of the second item will be slightly lower (e.g. finishing a Mythic 7 Keystone dungeon, but not completing the timer now rewards the party with a 200 iLvl item and a 197 iLvl item).
  • The Great Vault raid loot requirements is now defeat 3/6/9 raid bosses (was 3/7/10).
  • Potency Conduits now also drop in Castle Nathria.
  • Once players reach 40 Renown with their Covenant, the weekly quest to gather 1000 Anima will now award you with 1500 gold.
  • Once players have recruited the maximum amount of Souls for their Covenant, the weekly quest to rescue Souls from the Maw will now award you with 500 Anima.
  • Rhinestone Sunglasses can now be used in transmogrification and will appear in your collection once found.
  • Vendor prices for items below item level 75 have been adjusted.
  • The Lightless Force weapon enchant no longer targets out-of-combat or crowd-controlled enemies.
  • The Hunger of the Pack trinket now grants the Speed stat instead of movement speed percentage.
  • The Barrier Generator Toy can no longer be used in instanced PvP.

Notice nothing about loot.

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If they believe that, then quite frankly they need to find a new line of work.
I’m sure they quietly lowered the drop chance of loot when they added in Dinars, that’s just how they operate.

Give you guaranteed loot after a grind but lower the chance for random loot.

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They over did it with the loot nerfed. The mythic crowd were mad that too much loot dropped yet they run split runs all day to circumvent it.


February 16th Update:

  • Castle Nathria

  • Bosses now drop 33% more loot than before, in all difficulties.

  • Weapons tokens now drop more often than before, in all difficulties.

  • Completing a Mythic Keystone dungeon after the timer has ended will now reward a second item. The item level of the second item will be slightly lower

Seems like raid loot increases to me.

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tell me about it. at least people can run that same dungeon over and over and over again. not fun or healthy but hey not like before where you could only run that dungeon once per day.

i remember in mop i played like a savage and i went from release of mop up until mid throne of thunder patch before i got rid of a blue bow. so yea. rng.

Which was nothing more than a reversal of a prior decrease they claimed was a bug, (changes 12/11/2020) but you like to cherry-pick, don’t you?

Dungeons and Raids

  • Castle Nathria
  • [With regional restarts] Fixed a bug that caused additional loot to unintentionally drop from bosses on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
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It isn’t cherry picking. The 12/11 patch addressed a BUG. The 2/16 patch increased drop rates by 33%.

Loot Amounts in Castle Nathria - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Bug was dropping 5 per 20 people, reduced to 3 per 20.

Raid Loot Droprates Tuning – 17 February - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Buff was from 3 for 20 to 4 for 20.


Do your mental gymnastics all you want. Fact is that they nerfed loot drops on 12/11, reverted that later, and you’re calling the reversion of a nerf a “buff to loot.”

Let me guess: if they decide tomorrow “let’s reverse the 20% nerf to Rain of Fire damage to locks” you’re going to claim “THEY BUFFED LOCKS!” rather than noting that it was just undoing a nerf.

Troll somewhere else.

edit: turns out it’s not even a reversal of the nerf as I thought. They originally nerfed loot by 40%, then gave PART of that back, not even the full question. (Used to be 25% pre-nerf, the reversal brought it up to 20%.)

Who is doing the mental gymnastics.

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Who is doing the mental gymnastics.


20% post “buff”

25% pre-nerf.

And you’re calling it 40-60% like a troll.

February 16th Update:

  • Castle Nathria
  • Bosses now drop 33% more loot than before, in all difficulties.
  • Weapons tokens now drop more often than before, in all difficulties.

After the February buff, loot drops matched BFA. I don’t understand how you can call that a nerf. the 5 drops was a BUG, therefore was not a buff.

“ermagawd someone disagrees with me, must be trolling”

M+ loot is 40% chance per run.
Raid is 20% per boss.

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