Loot is still a problem

Ok, let’s say it “matched BFA.”

All you’re saying is that raid drops in BFA were too low as well, then. :slight_smile:

OP is rightfully complaining about loot drops being 20%. You’re countering “but they’re 40% in this particular content that isn’t what you were talking about.”

At best you’re moving the goalposts. At worst, you are in fact actually trolling. Either way, this conversation is over, because I’m not wasting any more of my time on you.

No, that isn’t what I said at all. I see reading comprehension is not your strong suit.

20% per boss.
40% per entire M+ run.

What goalpost. All I am listing are statistics.

Usually what happens when you know you have been arguing about something and find out you were wrong.

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Usually what happens when you know you have been arguing about something and find out you were wrong.

Fine, you dragged me back for one last comment.

No, that isn’t what I said at all. I see reading comprehension is not your strong suit.

Continuing with the trolling and insults to start, I see. You do realize that trolling and harassment are against ToS, right?

20% per boss .
40% per entire M+ run .

Clearly you’ve never raided, and it shows. Here’s the deal, and we’ll start with normals:
Normal Raids take about 2 hours to clear (presuming mechanics are known, we’ll completely ignore progression for this), and give loot that’s about on par with low level keys (+8/+9). Those runs do not take 1 hour to clear, but usually about 15-20 minutes. So, in M+, it’s 2 pieces per 5 people per 17.5 minutes, or approximately 14 pieces across the time it takes to clear a normal raid, or 2.8 pieces per person doing M+ in the time it takes to clear a raid. Meanwhile that raid has a 20% loot chance and typically 10 bosses, or an average of 2.0 pieces per person, ASSUMING THE RAID IS ON FARM. Then there’s GV to consider (that raid will give each person a guaranteed 278 (285 if lucky) drop, whereas M+ will give each person a guaranteed 288 piece for less effort). So, M+ is less effort, drops less loot, and you’re using it as a comparison to OP talking about loot being a problem in raids, when it legitimately IS (unless you’re claiming they need to drop less loot for M+ instead). (This is also assuming that at +8/+9 the drop rate is 40% and not 60%, in which case you’re getting an average of 4.2 pieces for the same amount of time that raiders are getting 2.0.)

NOW, I’m done with you. Have fun trolling someone else.

edit: and he continues trying to troll. Thank Blizz for the “ignore” feature. He can scream at the wind now.

Runs do not take 15 minutes unless you are over geared and farming +2s for valor. Tell me you are out of touch with reality without telling me. Your entire paragraph is nullified by this one fact.

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Damn, grats. Still nada on my shaman and I’ve been pumping streets and docks like a champ lol. Same on my DK, even set loot to frost and unholy for specific dungeons to target every weapon type… also nada.

Only decent thing so far was a super lucky 298 wep token from last weeks weekly on my monk… anyone else feel like their alts are way luckier than their mains? Lmao

Personal loot was/is the norm in dungeons since Legion so yeah, it kinda makes sense that a ring that every spec in the game can use drops more than items that can’t.

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Or they can make more deterministic ways of gearing along with bringing in gear vendors for raid and m+ as well.

this is like the easiest the game has ever been for gearing though, u see how fast people are in dungeon bis rn??

I agree it’s pretty grindy.

But compared to vanilla… where I would get a piece or two after weeks or months of raiding…

Good point for that example. But you can see that odds are set individually with things like trash drops. They can set the odds. There is no rule are technical limitation that requires them to make everything drop with an equal chance, which was my point.

You were geared last Season. I understand it’s kinda you feel slow on gear progression. But that’s how it is when you are already geared.

Me, I was just ilevel 278 last Season. 289 right now after 3 weeks which is pretty decent to me. I remember on the last Season in Vanilla, I was getting like one epic per month. I prefer it now than then.