Loot is broken. No excuses

id like " things that didnt happen " for 100 bucks

What are you talking about? I wasn’t even counting Trial of Valor. Legion had 4 fully fledged raids. Nightmare, Nighthold, Tomb, and Argus. To this day it remains the golden era of WoW and hands down its best expansion. Frankly, it’s probably also where the story should have ended with the defeat of Sargeras. Everything since then, both story and gameplay wise has been downhill big time.

Legion was the last expansion to have 4 raids, every expansion since has only had 3. All the other expansions have cost the same or more than Legion. It’s really not that hard to do the math.

BfA had 4 and a mini-raid. Also raids are not all content in the game.


The Emerald Nightmare and The Nighthold were part of the same tier however. Also had the Trial of Valor mini raid.

Legion had 3 Raid Tiers.

Also expanding for each expansion:

Vanilla: 6 Raids, 3 Raid Tiers (AQ was seen as Tier 2.5).
Tier 1: Molten Core and Onyxia’s Lair
Tier 2: BWL (Ragnaros/Onyxia Dropped Tier 2 pieces), ZG as a catch up raid.
Tier 2.5: AQ40 and AQ20.
Tier 3: Naxxramas

TBC: 9 Raids, 3 Raid Tiers.
Tier 1: Karazahn, Gruul’s Lair, Magtheridon’s Lair.
Tier 2: The Eye, Serpentshrine Cavern. ZA as a catch up raid.
Tier 3: The Battle for Mount Hyjal, Black Temple, Sunwell

WotLK: 9 Raids (Vault of Archavon had a boss for each tier), 4 Raid Tiers.
Tier 1: Naxxramas, The Eye of Eternity, The Obsidian Sanctum.
Tier 2: Ulduar
Tier 3: Trial of the Crusader, Onyxia’s Lair
Tier 4: Icecrown Citadel, Ruby Sanctum

Cata: 6 Raids (With Baradin Hold having a boss for each tier), 3 Raid Tiers.
Tier 1: Blackwing Descent, The Bastion of Twlight, Throne of the Four Winds.
Tier 2: Firelands
Tier 3: Dragon Soul

MoP: 5 Raids, 3 Raid Tiers.
Tier 1: Mogushan Vaults, Heart of Fear, Terrace of Eternal Springs
Tier 2: Throne of Thunder
Tier 3: Siege of Ogrimmar

WoD: 3 Raids, 2 Raid Tiers.
Tier 1: Highmaul, Blackrock Foundry
Tier 2: Hellfire Citadel

Legion: 6 Raids, 3 Raid Tiers.
Tier 1: The Emerald Nightmare, The Nighthold, Trial of Valor.
Tier 2: Tomb of Sargeras
Tier 3: Antorus the Burning Throne

BFA: 5 Raids, 4 Raid Tiers
Tier 1: Uldir
Tier 2: Battle for Dazar’alor, Crucible of Storms
Tier 3: Eternal Palace
Tier 4: Ny’alotha, the Waking City

Shadowlands: 3 Raids, 3 Raid Tiers, 1 Fated Season
Tier 1: Castle Nathria
Tier 2: Sanctum of Domination
Tier 3: Sepulcher of the First Ones

Dragonflight: 3 Raids, 3 Raid Tiers, 1 Awakened Season
Tier 1: Vault of the Incarnates
Tier 2: Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
Tier 3: Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope

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Those people put just as much effort as you did to kill the bosses. Why wouldn’t they be allowed to roll on items? LFR gear is absolutely obsolete.

I do agree that gear can be hard to obtain for people that only run LFR considering you always run with different people so you’ll always roll against the same amount of people every week. I would also suggest joining a guild that runs Normal on a weekly basis.

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Well what else is new content then? There are only 3 types of new content besides open world questing and that’s dungeons (all or most of which get released at the start of an expansion), new PvP arena (all or most of which get released at the start of an expansion), and raids which are the only periodically released form of content and thus the only thing players have to look forward to as new content during the course of an expansion.

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Shows how memorable BfA was that I didn’t even remember all the raids even though I played all through it. But yeah same thing, we’ve been getting less and less in recent years. Both in terms of quality and quantity.

I mean Blizzards pattern pre-WoD was (excluding Vanilla multiple short raids to make up the 1st tier which are located across the entire continent. Then the following tiers being 1 large raid or 1 large raid and a small raid(s), and TBC’s Tier 3 case being 3 medium raids.

Post-WoD the design really felt like Blizzard didn’t want raid to have to regroup after clearing one raid to go to the next raid (often times on the other side of the map) because they were in the same tier.

For example Heart of Fear and Terrace of Eternal Springs are literally on opposite sides of Pandaria. If you completed Terrace of Eternal Springs (4 Boss Raid) and then had to bring all 25 (or 10) raiders to Heart of Fear (6 Boss Raid) It’s going to eat up to 20 mins of your raid time.

Having the raid tier inside 1 raid means you don’t need to spend time and regroup outside of one raid to start the next in the same tier.

Imagine if we had a 3 boss mini raid paired with Vault of the Incarnates that was based off of the Brackenhide Hollow’s final boss and the raid portal as right near the dungeon portal.

After Vault of the Incarnates you would need to have everyone port back to Valdraken, THEN go to where Brackenhide Hallow 2 Electric Boogalo is, summon everyone, get everyone inside, rebuff etc. Boom you just wasted around 20 mins of your raid night.

I will say I do miss 1 and 2 boss mini raids, however it’s just a pain moving your raid after you cleared one to get to the other eating up valuable raid time.

As for Quality: Battle for Dazar’alor (BfA) and Castle Nathria (Shadowlands) were AMAZING raids right up their with Ulduar.

M+ rotations and open world content suddenly don’t count? Every season is new content. There have been 3-4 tiers of content per expansion and I’m still not sure where there’s the “less frequently” part.

If anything content has been MORE frequent.

Also PvP is getting Solo Queue Rated BG’s in TWW, and a new BG map right off the bat too! Expect to see Rated BG’s being very popular.

Also excluding Vanilla (because people debate if it was 3 or 4 tiers, but its generally considered 3 tiers with AQ being tier 2.5) we had 6 expansions with 3 raid tiers and 2 expansions with 4 tiers (WotLK and BFA), and 1 expansion (WoD) with 2 tiers.

3 raid tiers have been the norm and WoD also would have been a 3 raid tier expansion if the Shattrath Raid wasn’t cut.

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Sorry you don’t like RNG.

I’m not so sure it’s RNG on it’s own, rather Blizzard’s current iteration of raid loot feels bad.

You’ll notice that most of these threads are talking about raids. I think that’s the worst example: You’re rolling against tons of other people, and then you get the impression that you “lost”.

Blizz needs to make it personal loot is all. And make the process feel better - instead of getting nothing, give a consolation (gold for example).

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Honestly, we just need Reroll tokens back in addition to the vault and the system will feel great.

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It’d be more accurate to say officers love Gl. General raiders only disliked Pl when you couldn’t trade gear easily.

You must have missed the part in the quote where I mentioned that this was about the timing between raid releases. Since you were focused on the amount of time that we would have between the last raid and the first raid in TWW, I was talking about the time in between raid releases, not the number of raids. It may have had more raids, but it released on pretty much the same schedule as all of the other expansions.

I disagree about legion being the peak, but that’s purely subjective of course. I’m honestly glad Illidan is gone since I never liked his character. I just found him annoying. Opinion on gameplay is also kind of subjective, but the original system for acquiring legendaries was an absolute failure. The RNG could make or break you for a long while. Also the artifact power grind was meh.

Yes in LFR there should be some sort of setting about how many items a person can get from a singular boss.

But I agree with others about being a part of a guild. Our guild does a Loot Council where it’s kinda like Master Loot but the people of the council vote on who gets loot and there are rules on the amount of loot per person and per raid difficulty. Makes it more fair.

Removing trade restrictions largely removes a primary driver for why personal loot might be beneficial for a lot of players - protections against tyrannical raid leadership expecting you to trade. But it’s also a moot point since Blizzard openly acknowledged a primary reason they changed to group loot was to curb raid stacking to influence drops; there’s no way on Azeroth they would make split runs with armor stacking even easier.

You are wrong that nobody likes group loot at least in comparison to personal loot. For one, guilds that want master loot can treat group loot like master loot so long as all raiders agree.

But secondly, for groups like mine that do not try to control loot distribution at all, group loot works far better than personal loot ever did. Even if we could trade everything, the inflated amount of rings, necks, and cloaks would result in more wasted loot than we have with group loot. Since we allow anyone to roll on things that are upgrades, group loot preventing players from needing on things they already have creates a convenience personal loot did not provide. And since we want to let the dice determine who gets loot, having that baked directly into the system rather than having to /roll afterward saves us time.

While gold would be better than the nothing we get now, I don’t think that would really solve the issue. The fundamental issue is that the opportunities to get specific pieces of gear are limited; each time you lose out on an opportunity, that pushes the timeline for your next opportunity to next week. When each of those opportunities is purely random, there’s no guarantee you’ll see the item again much less win it.

I’d love to see Blizzard introduce a currency that players can exchange in whatever quantity to a vendor to pick up items from the content they’re doing. I’m okay with it taking several weeks to a month to get a single item this way and I’m okay if the item level of the item obtained this way is lower. But using a Manic Grieftorch is just fun, and not having it reduces the excitement players will have. Letting them get it after 4 weeks (just a made up timeframe here) of killing the boss and not having the luck to obtain gives them something to look forward to even when RNGesus is not on their side.

You are speaking for a lot of people here. You make it seem like every officer team is going to leverage the mechanics of group loot to further personal goals. But that’s just not the case for all officer teams, and if anyone is in a guild for which that is the case, I’d highly suggest they seek a different officer team that doesn’t do so.

Did two raids now, fully, 0 loot.
It’s quite depressing.

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Yes you can have your opinion.

It’s objectively a better system because of how it screwed over classes like feral druids enhance shamans rogues and hunters.

You’re entitled to your opinion but this is objective facts.