Loot is broken. No excuses

Where are they releasing less content less frequently?

If you remove the one off boss raids like the sanctum stuff, WOTLK had about the same timeline. There was a shorter gap involving Trial of the Crusader, but that was a half raid at best and not a good one at that honestly.

The same applies to Legion. If you take out the tiny 3 boss raid that was Trial of Valor, the rest pretty much follow the same timing pattern for raid release.

But if you want to discount reused content, then between BC and WOTLK, there was over a year between Sunwell Plateau and Ulduar were released. Naxxramas obviously doesnā€™t count because it provided no new content. The only other things were one off raid bosses like Eye of Eternity which doesnā€™t really add much.

My dracthyr won 2 pieces in her first lfr run of the season and one of them was tier shoulders. I was happy :dracthyr_love_animated:

I left the RNG crowd. It feels like a toxic relationshipā€¦ā€œMaybe THIS timeā€¦for sureā€¦ā€

Feels good to not give two craps about that stuff anymore. And this is coming from an old Vanilla player.

Itā€™s kinda hilarious how group loot is inferior across the board with issues like this or dropping items nobody can even equip. Like I get it, the raiders want their master looter lite, but group loot is just so bad.

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Irony is that itā€™s not an inferior system. Only people who donā€™t know how either system works would say something that clueless.


Inferior is a matter of opinion. Saying it is inferior due to items nobody can equip dropping is actually a reasonable position to take, unlike the people who say it is worse due to losing rolls.

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Are you admitting to cheating then?

RNG is a biā€¦ nightmare.

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Bad faith is just another word for gas lighting. Heā€™s not doing that, but he is wrong. Random rolling is as fair as the system can get.

Its time to put personal loot back into everything really. Itā€™s very easy to just change trading restrictions and call it a day instead of being stupid and annoying with an archaic ā€˜featureā€™ that nobody actually likes.

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A long, long time ago I noticed you could /roll when DCā€™d. This has always made me really nervous that there are shenanigans afoot with rolling.

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I literally just had a huge fight with the officers in my guild and had to leave cause theyā€™re using loot council and funnelling the 5 top DPS and 2 best healers with gear while everyone else gets nothing. And they hated the criticism.

What the actualā€¦ that sounds absolutely diabolical. Maybe it was just diabolical luck? Might be good to keep an eye out for cheats though at this point


Itā€™s not a matter of opinion. It was inferior and Blizz removed it for
Multiple reasons.

Itā€™s not happening. It was removed because of how easy it was to exploit.

The sooner you accept itā€™s not returning the better off you will be.

The majority of mythic and heroic guilds love Gl compared to Pl.

You clearly donā€™t raid.

No it is entirely an opinion which system you prefer. It doesnā€™t mean Blizzard will have both, they prefer group loot, but that doesnā€™t make it an objectively better system.

I left a guild because the loot council was giving all the loot to our worst performing raiders, which meant that the loot was going to waste and I wasnā€™t going to get any drops. What made it worse was I was on the loot council. I wish I was making this up.


I can understand both ends of our spectrum, I think LC is overall more pain than gain tbh. What is needed is a stable team and not the same person getting 4 pieces of loot


Loot council is awful. Iā€™d rather lose open rolls than be denied drops.


EXACTLY. Imagine not getting loot other than stuff nobody else needs for months cause of Loot Council.