Loot is broken. No excuses

… who are you replying to? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Probably hit the wrong reply button.

Been there!

Good idea, this way people will always have low-level gear equipped when they are targetting something, making raiding slower and wipes more likely!

Or, acknowledge that item level isn’t king and there are upgrades based on trinkets, stats, other specs having different weapons.

No, and it is a solution without a problem.


Very little difference between GL and PL in terms of chance of getting loot, if any. There was a post a while back going through the math, showing you’re actually more likely to get loot in GL, if only slightly. The forums had people complaining every day about running full raids and not getting loot the last couple expansions. RNG is RNG. The best way to mitigate RNG is to join a guild.

The op really unless I misread something

So if that guy didn’t win, you would’ve won all those 3 rolls? and then you would’ve still made this post right?

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The pool of competition is so massive and ever changing in LFR that you’re never going to solve your problem by just making more stuff drop. Full stop. You might be increasing how many chances people have for winning loot, because of RNG you’re going to be increasing your chances of losing too. Your solution simply doesn’t solve the problem in the way you seem to think. It’s like you’re falling for the gambler’s fallacy here.

Ah, you replied to me. Thus my confusion. This makes more sense now. lol

Also: OP is just talking about LFR. My Warrior got diddly squat for two weeks now in LFR, as well. Last week, because my rolls were poo. LOL This week, no loot dropped for warriors except a trinket and I had better. But my Druid got a couple pieces last week, nothing this week and so did Sen, so… RNG gonna RNG!

Oddly… I have been privy to the whole me rolling 99 and then someone else rolling 100 quite often. But it is what it is. I don’t math. I just see RNG.

Well it may seem like that from your perspective but the game is increasingly becoming more and more geared towards solo play because the target audience is getting older and scheduled/organized raiding isn’t an option for everyone. It’s also worth noting that the ONLY reason why loot drops are few is because the devs want to artificially prolong the time you run a raid since they’re incapable of churning out new content at a decent pace.

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What would you consider a decent pace? Even the original raids in vanilla were spaced out about 6 months apart?

Do you think they should be spitting out raids the size of the ones in this expansion every 3 months?

‘I play solo and used to raid lead back in ICC, I think I am an expert on every raid guild’

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Amirdrassil released in November of last year. It will likely be more than a year before Narub’ar comes out. That’s far too long. Even at the current pace of raiding most people are done with a difficulty in under 4 weekly resets, excluding Mythic of course but that accounts for 1% of the playerbase.

Laughs in Icecrown, Siege of Orgimar, Ny’alotha

Where did I say this has been an isolated incident? Lol. It has been an ongoing problem that evidently they can’t find a solution for.

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There’s no reason for them to churn out more content faster for the same money. That’s not how business works. You want more content more frequently, then we have to pay more per month. When you talk about this you have to consider how quickly content is actually being consumed not by the bleeding edge players but by the masses. It doesn’t make sense to produce something that only 5% of the players are going to get to before you phase it out. That’s wasteful from many perspectives.

That said we already have solutions to provide more content with how M+ works and timewalking. There’s no reason we can’t have a system of rotating and ever scaling raid bosses in an arena of some sort. Something that can have affixes and all that jazz and its just a matter of loading in the boss and it’s lair scripts. Something like the trial raid in WotlK but imagine seeing old raid bosses pop in for current rewards but with scaled mechanics. You only need to do a handful of bosses at a time and once you get theme into whatever scaling system you build it should be pretty easy to maintain as opposed to redoing entire raids. Start designing new bosses with this in mind where you can just drag and rop them into that system as extra challenge.

I am well aware of their business model, thank you. No one is asking them to release more content faster at the same price. But they can’t be releasing less content less frequently at the same price either. Which is exactly that they’ve done time and time again. A number of expansions had 4 raids that were much better paced. Why shouldn’t that be the default benchmark? Especially since those expansions were the game’s most memorable (and profitable).

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There is a fated season for this reason. Before that, there was just nothing.

Do you remember when MoP had over 1 year from Siege’s release date before the next expansion without really anything in between? Same thing pretty much happened with WoD. Cataclysm had an 10-11 month or so gap and most of the other expansions are around this timeline as well.

Why are you surprised by this timeline? The fated season is meant to be a stop gap that helps ease the stretch between the end of one expansion and the start of the next.

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You can turn all your world gear into tier. What are you even talking about lol.

To me fated is nothing because it does not provide any new content.

I do, as I said this has been an ongoing problem. But I also remember WotLK and Legion too.

I am not, I am just disappointed.

Unless you’re apparently the unluckiest person in the world like I am who has pulled nothing but cloaks all week.

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