Loot is broken. No excuses

There was. And they were more shocked that I didn’t win any of the four rolls until they noticed how many people also rolled the same thing.

If that’s what they want, that’s what they’ll get. If it isn’t what they want, they should think harder about the ramifications of changes.

Again, up until very recently (and since the change to cross-realm trading) there were a massive number of posts from geared players bragging about how they would queue for LFR, roll on everything, and charge massive amounts of gold to players who were hoping to get the roll so they could equip it. And for every player who said they were doing this, there were 10 who said it was perfectly legitimate and good for the game.

Did they make you guys stop posting that? Did someone tell you it was impacting LFR participation among players who were supposedly its target audience?

I certainly wouldn’t join a guild that I even suspected had players who held gear for ransom in LFR, because for sure they would also treat their own low geared guildies the same way.


That’s why I hate this loot method. It’s trash


yup. and most of these people telling me to join a guild, don’t even know that their guild members likely have done some stuff like that. And then you add to it that the number one rule in wow is “if need is an option, I am rolling need until I get punished”…

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That can be extremely frustrating. However, RNG is RNG.

Over the course of ~20 years of WoW, I’ve had incredible hot streaks with rolls and some massive cold ones. A vast majority of the time is spent somewhere in between.

For example, my warlock was able to get the new 4 piece set bonus easily. My monk has a single piece of it. There are just times with RNG isn’t good to you.

Why are you assuming this would be the case? A vast majority of raid groups don’t have this issue. At least in my experience.

I don’t think it’s good for the game but it’s legitimately within the structure and rules of the game so I don’t actually blame those players. They should change something, but nothing they’ve indicated so far says they will.

Personally I roll need on transmog and pass on things I have. The transmog button does literally nothing so I roll need to have a fair chance at the loot. While I might not equip the power of the item, I 100% will equip the transmog.

Loot needs a revamp, but when and how that happens is unclear. So the options are keep doing LFR with low chances at loot, stop raiding, or join guilds and run normal or above with them. Those are the options today.

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I’m going to be 100% honest, I forgot those buttons existed. Need button covers all three bases.

In a perfect world, I’d agree. But asking people to put their own agendas aside so that randos can get their upgrades for zero benefit to them just isn’t going to fly in most cases. There are ways to mitigate the reasons people are rolling need outside of upgrades, but moving to PL or machinegunning loot at people doesn’t actually solve the issue the same way making normal/heroic/mythic pieces unlock every lower tier color variant as well would.

And? They can still just get their loot and dip never to be seen again. In which case the “benefit” of them having better gear for a boss or two is negligible compared to having that drop/mog forever.

Blizzard’s system is that if I can roll need on it I’m within my right to. Whether or not you agree with why I’m rolling is irrelevant as you have not been designated the arbiter of need rolls.

As I said above, need roll covers all three bases. The only reason to hit the other buttons is if you just want to lose the roll for some reason.

Wouldn’t know, never been tbh.

Instinctively, I swear I still catch myself doing this from time to time

I see you and raise you.

I have 13 characters, one of each class.
Last season, 11 of them were in M+15 or higher. 2k pvp rating a couple of them.
But they all did lfr every week for two seasons, 2 and 3.
Three characters got everything within two weeks.
The rest of them, 9, had to scrounge. M+ rarely dropped anything and nobody trades. LFR would virtually never drop anything, so I had to rely entirely on the weekly vault for my loot.
On in particular, my DH still hasn’t gotten even one single natural loot drop. IT was all ebegging and weekly vault loot. 3 seasons.
Sure, one character. But when its 1/13, I can only imagine the number of people who are also having this same problem and just mucking it up to bad luck.

I have too many characters and see the loot rolls too many times to think its just bad luck.
I see it as a bad system because it is consistent.

And thats why nobody gets loot, you fruitloop! you are needing on things you don’t need.
Need is specifically for upgrades. There is a transmog option and a disenchant option and a greed option for all t hat other stuff.

You are LITERALLY one of the biggest parts of this problem, so thanks for admitting that you are.

Seriously, what is wrong with you? IF they were supposed to be one button, they would have been one button already…Just because you can’t be honest for even a second with your loot, does not mean the system is good or that anybody wants to be the arbiter of anything.

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The same thing can and will happen occasionally even if the bosses dropped more gear. Your problem is that RNG happened, just not in your favor, and your solution is one that doesn’t really address that. The Vault is already there as a way to help mitigate bad luck and to reward you for participating.

Since you patently refuse to join a guild or static that would go a long way toward alleviating your problem, what else would you propose they do to “fix” your problem besides just increasing the number of drops? Drop something into your bag at the end of each wing? Prevent players from winning more than one item? Give you a token that lets you buy whatever you want? Because there are pros and cons to each of these.

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Your opinion isn’t fact. An LFR Eranog ring is a bigger upgrade than any 525 ring.

An LFR class trinket from echo is higher than most 525 trinkets.

So just because it has lower ilvl doesn’t mean it’s not an upgrade.

my solution is the only solution that works. 5 people getting loot vs maybe 12 people getting loot means they push out of lfr even faster and go on to other content, leaving the loot to be easier for everybody else to get and push through.

If you want people to do more damage and not get carried, give them the gear.
If you want them to know the fights, give them the gear to survive.

except half the time it just gives you stuff you already have. most of last season, 4 of my characters had 3 rows of vault loot to choose from every week.
Most of the time, nothing was an upgrade or was somehow actually a downgrade.

No, but once per full wing run, aka I did literally every boss that lfr has to offer that week, so maybe even just one solitary piece of gear for all that effort? Holy crap, its so much to ask to get some basic stuff lol.

I mean, do you need to win 6 pieces of gear from two bosses that only drop like 10 pieces of loot total?
Or maybe 4-5 other people could have also gotten something because they also did damage or healing or tanking?

Pretty basic stuff.

we already have them and they never drop. In fact, I think this season they are just gone.
You have the bullion to buy your items, but thats one item every couple of weeks.
Those are fillers at best. Honestly, It should not take me 5 weeks to get 2 pieces of gear from the vault and 2 more from the bullion in that same time…
Nobody should be going entirely unrewarded at the end of their lfr runs.

And expecting a random fan to have to come up with all the solutions is absurd.
They ahve teams of people that can work on things like this.

And most of the things you listed aren’t really full of any negatives. More loot is never a bad thing. Imagine how different the game would be if even 25% more people could actually get loot. More Mythic + groups, more people raid worthy or able to just do the content they want to instead of constantly grinding.

More loot, limit how much loot a person can win from a single boss with some minor caveats like “well, they are the only person using leather and 3 leather pieces just dropped so I guess they get it all” because even talking about that is a waste unless you want to advocate for better loot so that a bunch of leather doesn’t drop when you have an all plate and cloth group…

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100% know someone found a way to use a bot to cheat the roll, guy kept waiting on the last second and will always roll at least 89 - 100, he got 2x loot on one boss.

I’ve rolled 99s back to back before? I know I’ve rolled 4 rolls in a row that were all 85+ before. Does that mean I’m using a roll bot?

The thing about RNG is that it’s random. Some people have good luck, some people have bad luck, a vast majority of players swing back and forth between the extremes and most often are in the middle.

The one constant thing is that it’s random. It’s even in the name. Since you seem to have a problem with loot being random, how do you think they should distribute it instead?

To be fair, off spec isn’t it’s own button. It just recognizes your current spec.

New loot rules for random groups should be

  1. you may NOT roll “need” on an item if you either already have it or what you have equipped has a higher item level
  2. REMOVE making loot untrade-able if you get something from the chest @ the end of a key and dont want/need it; players should be able to decide what an upgrade is for them or isn’t.
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People aren’t getting loot because their rolls are bad, and again, you don’t decide who needs what. If Blizzard didn’t want them to roll on it, they wouldn’t have allowed them to.

For what it’s worth though, I do generally pass on things that I’m not going to immediately use because I come from a time where that was the law of the land, but nothing of that sort exists today. Players have become too mercenary and need to be guided into behaviors that Blizzard wants to see through positive reinforcement of good behavior. Not just machine gunning loot at people in LFR so their feelings don’t get hurt when they lose rolls.

Kinda true though.

If you don’t want to raid with a guild because you have unpredictable scheduling or just don’t want to delve into normal + for whatever reason you are stuck with LFR and getting gear in LFR is a bit of a nightmare. Everyone who can roll need will roll need. I’m trying to gear up after being away for a lot of this expansion and I’ve got 1 piece from 2 LFRs with every other piece of loot being outrolled by…usually someone already in full mythic gear just going for easy billions.

I think just having more drops would at least help.

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Thanks for posting your thoughts about how you didn’t get loot in 2 weeks…. Which I doubt is even true.

To not have gotten usable loot in the past two weeks you are either not completing things in game or you just aren’t rolling.

You get roughly one piece of loot every 3 keys you do. If you run all the raids on lfr odds are you will one at least one piece, then normal then heroic then 3 bosses in mythic. Not to mention the two for sure pieces out of the vault, the 2 pieces for doing time walking and the weekly quest, as well as the crafted item you should of had last week.

So when you cry about loot I don’t know wtf you are talking about.

Towards the middle or end of a season I get it when you are all bis and waiting on one item to drop it dropping and losing the roll for the rest of the season. But currently every piece of loot is in theory and item level upgrade

I forgot you get a set piece of loot simply for completing the raid, and at the time of writing this you get 2 more turn ins to convert two items to set pieces.