Loot is broken. No excuses

Oh I get it! You want blizzard to send you a full set of ilvl 522 items to your mail along with all the enchants gems and 900milliog gold on the 1st day of a new season. Got it!

Or moving your head up and down to “see” beyond the terrain or item obstructing your view.

yup. sure.

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They could triple the amount of loot a boss drops and you’re still going to have periods where you don’t get anything, either because you don’t win a roll (which is the actual thing you’re complaining about) or because the boss didn’t drop something you could actually use. Would I like it if the bosses dropped more junk? Sure, I guess. More bites of the pie are always appreciated. But will it solve your primary problem of having poor rolls? Not really. RNG is going to RNG no matter how many attempts you get.

Again. Unless it’s a toxic one, joining a guild or static will drastically increase your chances of getting loot, either thanks to fairness rules or because sooner or later the number of players you’re rolling against will diminish as they win things week to week. The only thing keeping you from loot at that point is the boss simply not dropping what you need in the first place.

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oh yeah, definately want it for just me. Good to see you read.

Rofl you really enjoy lying.

Feel free to quote someone saying that.

rolling a 98 is a bad roll?

You lost to someone who rolled higher than you, so yes.

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The problem we run into is that there’s:

A. No benefit to sharing loot with randos. They’ll leave the group and then you’ll never see them again. Sure it might give you the warm and fuzzies doing them a favor and delegating them some of your drops, but that’s what it is, a favor that will more than likely never be repaid.

B. No concrete way to determine who does or doesn’t need something. Their transmog/OS roll has just as much weight as someone rolling for an upgrade and everyone has the same chance of winning. It’s completely and utterly fair.

I disagree that it’s unbalanced. As I said above, everyone has the same chance of winning a roll if they’re eligible for it. Completely fair.

I disagree that there’s a need to change the loot system to pass out more loot given how many avenues there are to obtain that loot outside of LFR, but fair enough.

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Last week I won 1 piece of loot and it was an off spec shield for my warrior.

This week I got like 4 pieces.

It is what it is, RNG be RNG.

It’s a heck of a lot better than getting the same pair of bracers every week with personal loot.

Actually transmog falls below need and above greed, and off spec is a separate roll of no one needs it main spec. It’s not possible to loose an upgrade to either of those rolls.

Now someone rolling need on an item for transmog is a different story that, personally, I think is wrong if you have a higher Ilvl item.

I mean this week i lost a roll for my bis. I rolled a 100 and so did another guy. But at the same time we both did the fight so why am i better than him

It’s frustrating yes. But hey least you rolled in the 90s
For the anvil trinket seen 4 drop and rolled a 43, 56, 4 and a 62.

Only managed to win some nontier shoulders I likely won’t catalyst anyways… RNG be RNG.

Just because we are cursed to be the bottom feeder unlucky low roll dice doesn’t mean the systems broken.

At least this season allows a sure fire way to get your bis stuff. Not counting tier


this can happen to everyone… and I was having similar experience but i am not sure this rolls seems like one week I lose, the other week I win… I feel like that through my experince with various toons tried and i think this rolls work like that. also on your lucky week if someone with particular item is lower grade they got more winning chance i think… I am not sure but I always lose to someone who equiped blue items…

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idk if there is a “hidden” loot roll for RNG going on in the back ground of some hamster operated server, but i have seen items rolled on get beat out by exactly 1 point. like high roll only to see someone managed to roll even higher. basically touching the ceiling already.

but the game does seem to enjoy loot roll trolling. like, it will give you a vet cloak a champion cloak. a hero cloak in the box and then the cloak you already have 2-3 copies of has leech but it dropped a tier lower.

or, the moment you craft a weapon, a weapon drops. or the item you just spent resources on is now getting optioned by rng with a slightly better alternative.

but best of all, the one slot you need is ever elusive.

surely, there is a some sort of advanced calculus going into this. like, playing the wrong time a day with the wrong character is doomed to repeat the loot drops in rapid vendor trash exchanges of obsolescence.

but other times of the day and if you are some what creative with the loot. maybe /bow an npc. drop a feast. sacrifice an enemy before opening a box RNG sees it and thinks. hurr, we can make this quite the coincidence.

of course RNG may not be enticed with repeated actions.

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The only good roll is 100, and only if you roll it first.
Everything else is not guaranteed.

I got 5 pieces on LFR on my priest this week.
0 on my mage.

It is what it is, and that’s why you have the vault/bullions/crafted/etc.

There is something wrong with the rolls. It’s not random for there to always be someone rolling high on three items. Maybe rarely, but not every time.


and then lost three other items to the same person all with rolls only one number higher.
and about 5 other people also rolled the same numbers as me.
That’s not bad luck, thats a bad loot system.

sure there is, now the randos are more likely to not “need to be carried” because they have better gear. You didn’t need a second version of the ring…

for the most part, yes there is. And Blizzard has that. When you talk about minmax, then you are getting offtopic. We are not talking about minmax because thats on your own time.
we are talking about just basic natural loot drops.

no, it doesn’t. thats why they count as off spec need and transmog, not need.
They are entirely different buttons.

yet if this same thing happened in a casino, dudes getting his kneecaps examined…

you mean like the 7 cloaks my priest got in one day?
Yeah, thats also bs. Shouldn’t happen. If you are going to make me win all that loot, make it something I don’t already have 2 of…
BAd rng system is bad system, who woulda thunk?

I wish that happened more in my playtime. I usually tend to see dudes in full mythic raid gear needing on stuff just because lfr has a chance of giving them a 1% upgrade.

Then they complain that everybody else can’t do damage, then conveniently forget that they took all the gear that people need to to damage lol.

“How dare you not have the shoes I stole, should have thought of that before you started a race with me because I am faster than you and can walk over rough terrain now because I have the boots you should have”

literally everyting in your post has happened to me far more than once lol.

that is what I am advocating against having happen.

You should be able to get at least SOMETHING from doing an entire raid worth of bosses. Not even one piece of loot at all? Nonsense. Shouldn’t happen. People keep using the logic of “well if you participate you should get a chance at the loot” but then turn around and get mad at people for wanting an actual chance at the loot instead of rolling the exact same number as 5 other people and then watch one person outroll everybody on all of them multiple times in a row? Do you know the odds of that happening?
Again, if that happened in a casino, they would be checking your kneecaps at the door and you would never be welcome back because you clearly cheated.
But here, another gambling-style loot system, and suddenly its perfectly normal and okay?

I find it weird. I am asking that people be given some bare minimum rewards for their efforts, and so many of you act like I want people to just get free full sets of gear just for walking in.

No. I want people to play and put in some effort instead of going afk on half the bosses.
When all you get week after week is not much? Why put in much effort at that point?


I don’t see them changing much. So yeah if they don’t want to change (loot) and players don’t want to change (joining guilds) and then will give up on raiding because they (you) want to generalize every guild every then it’ll die and that’s fine.

its more about not getting any rewards, and then still expecting people to keep playing. Nobody wants to pay to play a game where they get nothing, over and over and over.

Not distributing loot in a more appropriate manner, they are pushing a lot of people out.
Not my dumbness, I have been here since the end of BC and only BFA made me unsubscribe…

But loot has always beena problem, its just been the past couple of seasons where loot has gotten ab it out of hand and its not just a few people who notice. Its just a few of us who will actually say something as opposed to just doing nothing about it.

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In other news … I’m sure there’s another post somewhere saying something like “what is going on!!! This ONE GUY in the raid I was in rolled a 98, a 99, a 97, and 93x2!!! THERE’S NO WAY!!!”