Loot is broken. No excuses

You don’t know what that means, so stop repeating me lol. Nobody was screaming.
That’s on you. I can only control what I say, not how you interpret it.


what part of any of that is bad or wrong or screaming? or crying?
You are trolling and imma just ignore you from here on out.

Fair enough. I agree just double raid loot and this problem gets way better. What they probably need to do is add BLP to every boss. Kill a boss X times = you can go buy an item from it and be done. If you kill a heroic boss 10 (or lmao 15 times is still a joke) then you should just get whatever you want from it because at that point you’re just going through motions.


So you’re denying this whole thread isn’t you whining about losing rolls?

All of it?

There’s only so much loot. Some people will win. Some people will lose. It’s part of the game.

I mean calling me a troll because I called you out on your whining LFR loot post doesn’t make me a troll. It just means you can’t refute points.

Rolling on loot works similarly to catching Pokemon. You need to hold down the A button or else you won’t win.

If you still don’t win, then the other people were holding down A harder than you. Try harder next time.


I loled hard because I did this all the time in game boy :joy:

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join our guild then, we haven’t done “loot council” in years and we still focus on AOTC and get it every season and have since MoP when we formed.
Also, our players are all mature and treat each other well AND they check in with each other when certain items drop to ensure everyone’s had a shot at it.

I also see you’re a warrior. You can spam keys as a tank …you’re a LOT less likely to not get in and you can gear up easily this way.

Also this season = bullion/dinars. You can literally buy one piece that you need every other week from that shop AND you get a least one piece a week from the vault AND you can take armor pieces and catalyze them to get tier pieces.
I just dont see a problem. This is NOT a push season…it’s a laid back season. No need to rush.


I love a good “there’s a simple solution but complaining like a child is more my speed” thread.

No guild doing normal has a loot hierarchy, and if they do you should simply avoid them. Most guilds doing heroic don’t, especially this season.

Your main complaint here is that you can’t collect loot merely for existing. You actually asserted that the players carrying your kills shouldn’t be entitled to loot simply because they weren’t as heavy as you, lol.

It was B + Up in my neighborhood. Not sure how well it translates to LFR though, will have to try it next week.


sure. cool.

It’s like how when you’re playing a racing game, you have to lean with the curves or the car won’t handle them and you’ll lose.


Join a guild? There is the vault? Younger 2 bullion so you can get upgrade now? Do world quest? Host your own m0 run?

Nope is much easier to complain on the forum

I got 4 pieces of T with my druid , 0 with this1 and 4 shoulders with my priest. Thats how this works

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because then we still run into the bad loot system problem.
those arent solutions, those are just things I can also do… go read some of the other stuff. seriously, why?

Yes! I did this on gran tourismo all the time lol

I got two characters wo got a four piece in the first week. I complaind about that too.
Its bs and shouldn’t happen.

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Still waiting for proof this is a bad loot buster problem.

The “clear solution” for many players will be to give up on raiding. While I certainly wasn’t considering joining a raiding guild and trying to worm myself into the raid, the current loot situation means there’s no way I would even consider LFR or pugging. Join a guild? Full of people like the ones on the forum who blame lower geared people for having low gear and thus not deserving to win rolls? Hello, who would want to play with them but others of the same ilk?

Someone needs to write an addon to collect data on loot distribution in LFR, that would tabulate the ilvls of the players who won pieces, the rolls, and what they won.


THIS. This is exactlyt he problem, ty.
People keep expecting you to do top level damage, but the people with the gear already…keep taking more of it even though its the same thing but 1.2% better…

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My guild just rolls, as I’m sure plenty of other guilds do too, so no there is not always a pecking order. The point is, when the item drops again there are less people rolling against each other because some one from the group got it last time

