Loot is broken. No excuses

My guild raids twice a week, 3 hours on tues and thurs.
My previous guild did the same but only 2 hours.

I got AotC in every raid (except Sanctum and Sepulcher because I took a break) with these two raid guilds since Eternal Palace.

It doesn’t have to be a second job. And no one suggested that you raid lead.

Then find a guild that doesn’t do that. Mine doesn’t. I’ve actually never been in one that does.


I believe this means loot that you win without the vault or a bonus roll, as I remember the term in BfA as well. Not sure where it came from though.


But are they really? True randomness is impossible programmatically and any cryptographically secure random number generator is always linked to real world phenomena like white noise :thinking:


I’ve heard it twice here in the past couple of weeks but never before. Strange.

I’ve only managed 3 pieces of loot this season so far - between lfr, n, and whatever h we could finish. Roll RNG is horrible (or my luck is… i dunno), but i havent rolled higher than a 32 all season so far… at all… on anything. It’s awful! (but ive come to think, i made someone mad and they turned my RNG dial down lol)


Simulated rolls are more random than physical rolls.

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You gotta hold your mouth right when you click the roll button.


Already covered it.

so all my gear being tier makes it world loot?
lol what?

not what i said at all.
Nice to see you didn’t read anything I said.

the solution isn’t on my end. Its the loot distribution system.
Me joining a guild only MAYBE solves the problem, but only for ME. you all keep coming up with nothing but selfish reasons to not do something.

I have already covered that I have also gotten some of this insane good luck and even covered trading said good luck loot because the system is busted…

But sure, its all about how I didn’t get loot, even when sometimes I do.

i have seen you say this seven times, and have had it explained to you several times. Stop lying.

to maybe pass some of it on to people who could actually get an improvement instead of just another copy of the same item they already have?

lol pretty much every guild does.

I have explaind it to them twice, on two different characters on seperate forums posts. They just don’t want to know at this point.

see, now I have been booping my nose and rubbing my belly right before I click. Imma have to try your scientific method.


I used to go fishing with my family as a kid and every time I didn’t get bites, my Uncle Rod would say, “you gotta hold your mouth right or the fish won’t bite”.


The impasse you’re having with people is that others don’t see it as a problem in the first place. You’re not going to convince each other of anything here as a result.

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They just keep making it out like I am asking for more loot for me and only me.
I am just recognizing that I am not the only person, advocate for sharing loot, advocate for not needing loot you don’t actually need…you know, basic common human decency?

And the loot system distributing loot in such a clearly unbalanced way, is unacceptable. I am advocating for a change in the system so that more people can get loot. I have 13 characters that I play pretty consistently. I don’t care if a few of them aren’t getting gear every time they do something.

I only care that more loot goes out evenly to more people in a reliable way so that more people can participate in the kinds of content they want to play.

If that is somehow selfish, then I don’t know what to say past that.


If you won 3 loot pieces off a single boss you would not be here complaining. You would most likely use the justification that, because you didnt get any loot last week, you deserved the loot this week.

On my priest. I have ran LFR/Normal both weeks. He has zero tier. My monk. Ran LFR each week. Has 4 piece. Sometimes it rains. Sometimes it pours. Sometimes its a drought.


I have literally made a post complaining about that very thing.
You keep trying to be disingenuous about this because that is all you ever see in the community.

And that tells me everything. You don’t want to advocate for a positive change, you just want to pretend I am somehow still wrong despite making my intent extremely clear.

Okay so you won’t listen to anyone and you’re pounding the table for them to “fix” loot.

What’s the solution? You’ve identified a problem and are demanding a solution. You must already have one to propose. Go.


Those are valid points. I’d just suggest considering that ultimately its all pretty irrelevant. You win some, you lose some (sometimes multiple times).

Personally if I was in a LFR with you, lets say, and you won the 2 leather pieces AND the trinket I was hoping for? I honestly don’t care. I’m bummed for a microsecond I didn’t win but I’m on with my life and a) happy knowing I’ll get something out of the vault on Tuesday and b) happy for you because that’s an awesome haul.

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IMO we should get brolls back. Sometimes they actually worked.


Add more loot in the drops so that more than like 4 people can get loot out of 25 people.
Its that simple. More. Everybody keeps saying “oh its just lfr” well…then its just lfr loot. Dole it out more and more people can move out to do other things.

The solution is literally so simple its a joke. Add in a dash of “good luck” protection and its gg. No need for literally anybody to get 4 pieces from one boss unless they are literally the only person who can get that loot…its absurd to think otherwise.

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Loot isn’t broken.

Gonna call BS on your story.

Pics or it didn’t happen.

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you aren’t being specific and intentonally doing a bad-faith argument.
No thanks. You have a good one.

I mean you’re literally throwing a tantrum and screaming loot is “broken” because you lost some rolls.

That’s the epitome of bad faith arguments.