Loot council is always one item away from drama

Geez you are bad at this game. I’m hit and expertize cap and have bis p1 weapons.

EZ Game.

I have over expertise cap. I want to drop 15 rating lul. Not using a single expertise gem BTW.

Alright bucko.

So what does that say about you that you feel the need to brag about an easy game.

It’s like bragging because you can count to 3.

I’m pointing out you don’t need LC to get gear. It isn’t hard. It’s an EZ game.

No one said you NEEDED LC to get gear…

Ofc it’s easy it’s phase 1 Naxx.

Can’t wait to see the forums asking for no light yog to be nerfed.


I’m a rogue in a non LC guild. We all have 100 parses, got world first everything, and I got all my gear. Not corrupt funneling at all.

Totally not lying. No way I could possibly lie from an alt char. That’s illegal on the internet

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And here you are bragging about how special you are in an, as you put it, “EZ game”. So which is it? You are special because you have the BiS stuff, or, it’s an EZ game and those BiS are trivial anyways, so it is really like bragging about having the best grain of sand.

With top tier players, and I’m talking server best type of deal. That is likely to be the case.

However, there is some level of strategy that can be in loot distribution approach as well.

For instance, we’re talking about minmaxing fast as possible. So your example being a BiS trinket, but what happens if a second to BiS trinket drops hypothetically? And only talking the mage group here which to my knowledge most minmax groups are taking like 1 or maybe 2 mages right now. But that’s here nor there. But let’s say you had 3 mages though, a second to BiS trinket drops. We’ll give that to Mage 1, and then subsequently BiS mage trinket drops. Obviously mage 1 shouldn’t get it right? And then the other variable to take into consideration is the impact of the upgrade, in this scenario we established these are top tier players playing similar level. But with Mage 1 having got that second to BiS trinket the impact of the upgrade should logically go to Mage 2.

So on so forth.

Generally speaking in a good LC setup it’s all about loot strategy. What is each individual piece of loot BEST for in priority?

What do I mean by this? For example, let’s say Warriors and DK’s share a BiS trinket. But through running sims or “running the numbers” if you will. The trinket happens to be a 13% dmg increase on Warriors whereas the trinket for DK’s is a 10% dmg upgrade. So that is 1 piece of consideration to take into account, obviously 13% dmg increase is more than 10% so you would immediately think oh maybe we should just prio first to DK’s then to Warriors. The other piece to take into account is what are the overall damage meters looking like? Like I mentioned before, where will the biggest impact come? Let’s say in this scenario that DK’s are literally top 3 in charts for dmg and Warriors are bottom 3 in charts for dmg. Well that 10% dmg increase immediately becomes more impactful than that warrior 13% right?

Like I said also before I acknowledge that LC can be corrupt and done poorly. I just refuse to stay in guilds where it’s done wrong, and executed with little to no research. The better guilds that minmax and run LC generally weigh all this strategy with tons and tons of research. Resulting in an outcome that ultimately serves the better purpose of reaching faster content clearing.

Better for the raid, is better for yourself in the long run.

In the very top guilds they do something similar to this assuming they are not split running that week to gear ppl even faster. Anything outside of the very top mage 1 - 4 are usually not equal. While all 4 may be good there is usually a best mage or a mage with perfect attendance ect.

Authoritarianism never tends to end well, humans being the sorts of creatures that they are.

It should be in the leaders best interest to create a strong raid team in order to get better loot later on. So from a purely selfish stand point a fair LC furthers their goal of creating a solid team to get the good stuff. If they are corrupt they run the risk of their guild falling apart and then being bottom prio in whatever new guild they join or having to free roll in pugs. as the phases go on and it gets harder it will be a smart investment for anyone with this mindset to create a solid team.

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I am totally clear on your points and they make sense. I am playing Devil’s Advocate here, it helps me get a better handle on the finer details and understand what an actually legit, unbiased, LC does.

That should be the way it is in-game & even RL, but most people can’t seem to see the bigger picture for whatever reason, & are blinded by their own immediate self-interest & bias.

Straight up DKP has always been the best way. Rewards player that put their time in and also makes them really consider if they want a highly competitive item that may only be a small upgrade at the time.

Yes and these guilds ultimately fail and the LC can have their P1 items and get in the back of the line for scraps in a new guild. If a guild you join has a raiding history longer than 2 phases and they use LC you can probably safely say they are doing it right.

And this is why I would estimate that 80% of LC guilds fail. The LC can never be unbiased and ultimately friendships and brown-nosing become the status-quo and the way to get loot.

That 80% BTW is just my opinion. So before all you “Prove it” or “Cite it” police get your panties in a wad, you can stand down.

We have been a LC guild since TBCC launched.

We still here.

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Great, then you are probably in my estimated 20%. I didn’t say everyone of them, just a good majority.

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I would not use the word “Never” but I will say any low end guild should not use LC. In order to have a good LC the officers need extensive knowledge on all of the classes before even factoring in other things. It is very unlikely a low or even mid guild will have the officers willing to do this properly.

Ours has gotten considerably better since we dumped EPGP. It’s so healthy now with LC

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