Loot council is always one item away from drama

How unfortunate that is.

Not like you have gold anyway.

Im going to keep requoting this.

1 year of EPGP led to more drama than the following 3+ years of ML combined.

EPGP is a true dumpster loot system


I have hit and expertise cap. LUL. You are the clown. You are just mad you don’t have them.

Keep running your 10 mans :slight_smile:

Without Recluse? You’re lacking hard overall weight to be expertise capped without Recluse, which means most of your items suck.

Or you’re not expertise capped.

I see your tier gloves. You dont have the expertise gloves. I really doubt without Recluse, you have expertise cap.

The other hunter in our raid got the gun off KT. I should probably Gquit right?

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I am 100% hit and expertise capped. :person_juggling:

Again, not accusing you of anything, but technically anyone can with wow.export. Again, not saying anything, just putting that out there to float about a bit. Without a character name, it does leave that door open and does not rule it out…

Then show me your stats. You can leave out the name in the snip.

Ok so just to reply to this thread about the “unfairness of loot councils” and “the guild leadership of LC guilds is corrupt” etc well that’s a total broad paintbrush.

I’m the GM of a guild right now that uses LC and my prio is low because I’m a healer, on top of that two of the other officers are healers too and it’s the same for them.

Almost all of my BiS gear is BiS for our casters so I basically do not get the best gear because the casters being upgraded helps the raid more. On top of that, I’ll be swapping to boomie on some fights and still have to use what I can scrape up for that with badges, kind of ok gear that no one else wants, and the AH. This is as the guild leader.

It’s more important to gear our casters especially our pumpers who we give the really contested stuff to and who spend tons of time researching and gold/time on consumes etc. Really at the end of the day, I care about the raid and us having fun achieving our goals more than myself.

So all guilds have corrupt loot councils etc? How? Every time I read this I’m just shaking my head because… yeah. If we pulled that garbage people would just leave.


You understand there are these things called gems right? Or are you a noob?

Correct. Typically the best guilds agree to use LC including the core raiders. Because they all know to ultimately min-max your socks off the right gear should go to the right people with appropriate prioritization.

Obviously I acknowledge the existence of corrupted LC guilds. But the solution here is never stay in a corrupted one. :joy:

Majority top tier players don’t over think loot. They ultimately want to clear content, and LC is one of the best ways to do that.

Why LC then, why not just a round-robin. I mean if they ultimately just want to clear content, then just setup a list of all the mages and go down it one by one with each BiS. Do this with every class.

Why is LC any better if loot is not the goal, but content clearing is?

We have 4 mages in the raid team, a BiS trincket dropped, it goes to the number 1 slot. The next time it drops it goes to the number 2 slot and so on…

Seems to me that is a better system anyways, because you already know before the raid starts, who is getting what if it drops.

There is not enough gem slots in the game currently to rely solely on them for expertise cap.

Every slot I have, except 2 slots for my meta is expertise gems. My helm is the expertise helm and my chest is recluse. I am at 26/26.

Stop lying.

Who said I was relying solely on gems?

I’m thinking this whole gearing thing is very hard for your brain.

You mentioned gems and I know what recluse model looks like. You do not have recluse. You do not have expertise cap, unless you dumpstered all your overall weight, which brings your hit, crit, and ap into question.

Why do you feel you need recluse to be expertise cap? LUL.

Cause you absolutely don’t.

They never care about the majority of LC situations, just the horror stories ran by bads.

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This pretending to be dumb from you is tiring.