Loot council is always one item away from drama

One person with 213 set item gets another 213 item, it’s his bis. But it’s also a bis for 5 other raiders that still wear their heroic prebis 200ilvl pants.

3 players leave guild this day.


Yeah because loot council is not fair and usually not transparent. Never join a loot council guild.

Look at me, BIS rogue weapons, not in loot council guild. EZ game.


If you’re getting mad over loot/fake pixels maybe the problem is you. Loot it will come and loot is secondary to me atm. It’s a game take a chill pill and your gear will be replaced again in 3-4 months. Then the endless cycle begins again. If you’re trying to parse well that’s a different story I can relate.


I wish that’s how my LC guild worked lol.

I’m top caster DPS and have been passed over on high ticket items and it drives me nuts but I get it.

Was the first 213 item given to him via LC or via his own raid whether its a pug or gdkp or whatever?

Are those other raiders even doing well enough to warrant them getting the item?

What classes and item are we talking about here? BIS is BIS, yes, but there is context and nuance. Envoy of Mortality is my BIS, but obviously a hunter would benefit more. If this first player receives the biggest gain from it over the others, then it still makes sense.

We need more than vague descriptions to even begin to understand if the decision is correct.


you absolutely have to get mad over loot. People stealing from you, stealing your gear, your time, your life


Imagine if there were a simple and fair way to distribute loot built into the game. A system that allows players to quickly say whether they need the item and then uses a system of chance to distribute that item to someone who needs it.


only fair system is gdkp, now i see that. Or that retail personal loot thing

Not even the good drama like when guildies start dating at tings dont work out and they start talking smack now that’s the kind I eat right up.

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There had to have been more underlying issues in that guild.


Imagine saying need over greed is fair, when there is no real loot rule over it, and everyone can need for goldspec. It’s why Frozen Orb needers suffer no ramifications.

Imagine thinking a roll based entirely on luck, an uncontrolable factor, is more fair than a system that distributes loot based on performance, attendance, upgrade protentional, last received loot, etc, which most things in that are receiver controlled factors.

LC when done correctly is a perfect loot system. Any argument about corruption can be applied to need over greed.

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Imagine a system fair to casuals that doesn’t allow sweat lords to monopolize loot. Imagine going into a casino and being told you can’t use a slot machine cause someone else has been working at the slot machine for a long time and they deserve to win from it.


You have such an imagination…

By set you mean tier??

Tier typically isn’t counted against people.

I’m playing the tiniest violin on Earth for you right now.

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Bad analogy. Bosses are guaranteed to drop loot, slot machines are not guaranteed to give a win.

I also have yet to see a pug raid use need over greed. It’s ML and if someone who can’t use the item rolls, they’re actively ignored, even if they rolled the highest. It’s still not what you described.

You only pay attention to the horror stories because that’s all you care to hear. You don’t care to hear whenever LC is done well, and you don’t care to hear that most of the time LC goes fine without an issue.

You can sit here and cope about luck, but all I hear is someone who doesn’t want to preform well and wants free loot off the backs of others.

If I quit my friends and went to go join a 25 man guild, I would only apply to LC guilds. I’m tired of bad players getting rewarded for my work.


Nope I have BIS P1 weapons… Stay mad.

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Sure you do…

I bet they are bringing your 13 average parse up to a 20!!

Ironically from my experience the people who have issues with “greedy” LCs are typically the greediest loot goblins in the guild.

20+ people not concerned about loot just trying to clear raids with friends and get the loot that comes their way and 1-2 people who feel slighted every time something doesn’t go their way.


i personally think, it’s good thing that guild got rid of those who leaves over loot, it doesn’t matter what was the situation, those who left over 1 item would 100% leave in the future over any case related loot even if it wasn’t LC.