Loot council is always one item away from drama

But they make the forums interesting. They’re always the ones with bad takes.

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IMO LC should have given it to any of the other people with 200 item level—this was a bad judgment call on the council’s part.

I guess they paid for it though by losing raiders lol.

That is true, they help with my boredom at work atleast…

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100% this! The guys who claim they are the best never post on their main.

Idk man. Theres a lot of context left out of OP’s story. 213 ilvl doesnt mean much when we dont know the classes, the items in question, the potential replaced items, the attendance, the performance, the upgrade gains, etc.


This is not always true. Many factors should play into this, Performance Attendance class size of the upgrade.

Yeah that’s a good point. As another poster said—we need more context.

Performance is the one I take issue with. If someone is under performing, denying them gear in LC is not the answer. Maybe they are under performing because you keep passing them over for gear.

A LC needs to balance the team and award gear on what makes the team better. Continuing to ignore your under performers, is not the answer, you need to help them. Find out why they are under performing and perhaps awarding them more gear can bring them up to a higher level.

I have sinister and webbed death. I have actual BIS.

It’s not for everyone, but its for pretty much single top guild ever in the history of world of warcraft for a reason.

Live and let live.

Then prove it. Drop your name.

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I said I’d stab him anytime.

Stab me. I’ll make any level 1 on Skyfury. I just want your name so I can check your parses.

Performance can be measured many ways. There is ilvl% parses, Dieing to boss mechanics, we often dig in the logs and look at # of casts of which spell. timeline are they getting in dbl pots using trinkets properly ect. Performance does not always mean simply are they top dps.

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You can’t they weren’t logged :slight_smile:

Then everything in question that you claim is assumed a lie. Benefit of the doubt, you’re average, as that’s where most people end up. So you’re a blue parser who wants to be carried at best.

Any group worth their salt logs their raids. The ones that don’t log are the ones who don’t care about performance, and if they dont care about performance, then they aren’t going to perform well.

Think whatever you want to think it doesn’t bother me in the slightest since I have BIS weapons and you don’t.

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He’s a gray

And I was glad back in WoTLK doesn’t mean anything now

Imagine not understanding that weapons, while valuable to rogues, are not our primary concern in LK. Stat weights are more important, hit and expertise cap, which I am now both poison hit and expertise capped. Then it’s stacking AP for our poisons, or taking a heavier weight gain to our overall if it means a loss of AP.

Weapons are just a tool now, not the beginning and end like TBC.

Your lack of knowledge on this, on a class you’re supposed to main, tells me everything I need to know. Enjoy your greys.