Loot council is always one item away from drama

I have all those things.

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If it ain’t pink it stinks.

Then prove it. Otherwise you’re lying.

You have to prove your claims. My logs are right there for you to check me.

I’m in a loot council guild I joined just before wrath and I have my bis weapon too, what’s your point?

I’m not lying, you are just salty. I’m invalidating your whole world view that only top parsers get gear.

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True af.

I only pug 25s because gdkps. Purple for pugs.

My 10 man is my focus. Aiming for leggos at minimum.

It will be.

When did I state that?

I even said earlier that I’m tired of bads getting gear off the backs of others, which means not top parsers are getting gear.

You have to be pretending to be this dumb, right. You cant honestly be this dumb as a truth.

Edit: This also shows you know you aren’t parsing well.

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Oh he is

I’d love to see the frossty grey parse reveal lol.

Tears in 3…2…1


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That isn’t Recluse chest.

Double mongoose? Where is your beserking.

You’re mid at best.

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Salt dost flow.

Reread that.

He’s too busy grey parsing to farm enough gold for berserker.

I’m too busy farming tears in this thread.

Imagine not having a guild that chain ran heroics for abyss prior to Naxx.

Imagine not having a stock of 40 abyss in the gbank with the extras as AH items for guild gold.

Couldn’t be us lol

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You do realize we are laughing at you right?


You are feeding the troll lol. Who cares if he’s full bis its P1 loot and we will all get it.

You realize you are just coping I have bis weapons without trying hard right? I went to 1 NAX 25 and bam, BIS.

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