Loot council is always one item away from drama

We do LC and my GM didn’t even get anything first 2 raids.

These made up stories about LC are hilarious tho.

…and that’s why everyone should need them?

Drop your name then. I post on my main. Feel free to check my parses. Maex keeps webbing me, you can check the logs to confirm, and my Sapp does need some work.

I want to see the truth behind the claim.

Literally nothing he says has value until he drops his name.

Just low tier trolling, and honestly, I hate ignoring but I’m bout to put another name on that list.


He’s the undead rogue.

Xzzy or something I forget.

He averaged a 13 parse

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That is how they all do things. They pretend they are being selfless with bad gear and then take all the best items like week 3 or 4.


Just wait…seethe, cope, tears.

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Will add to this while I was active GM I did not take any items from people it was better for and our current GM played 2 full phases of TBC without taking a weapon.

Yes. It’s why everyone should need them. I’ll play by the etiquette and greed if no one needs, but the moment I see a need, I’m needing, and I do not care if their reasoning for needing is for a profession. I know how much they sell for. It’s an easy way to double your daily heroic gold. I don’t hate the player who needs, whether they’re being honest about professions or not, but I don’t feel bad in the slightest for needing and winning.

I have ran with them in all of TBCC…

They do no such thing.

I literally got Thoridol in TBCC…Full bis.

Seethe and cope this is the only phase you will full clear even tho you can’t do 3 Drake’s lmfao.


What would be better?

  • Make someone who is already top DPS a few percentage point better.
  • Get 1 or two more people up to your same level?

But you did say you get it, so that is good.

You probably has to lick some of those nuts and/or kiss more butt. Usually loot councils are who ever can kiss the most butt gets all the loot

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You sound salty I’m out gearing you though.

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Those things are like 15g lmfao

Really? He seemed to have slightly less bad takes as Xzzy.

Maybe I’m rogue biased. I really shouldn’t be, I’m a rogue main myself. I know how trashcan the rogue community can be lol.

Not on Mankrik. 55g baby.

I have 20k, but 55g for free is still 55g for free

Depends on the player mostly. There are people who are just as geared if not more playing same specs or even more “op” specs who I beat weekly.

I’m already a 97+ parser, gear is irrelevant.

It will all come for ez 99s.

I hope you finish this tier with atleast a 50…


Make a level 1 gnome on Skyfury and I’ll come stab you with my BIS weapons anytime.

So you can seethe harder.

I love how LC threads are a guaranteed response farm.
Good job, jojo

Idk if Xzzy is it though. If in some capacity he’s telling the truth, Anarchy is not true bis.

But it’s frosty, he lies a lot, so maybe.

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Just ignore the trolls who post on alts

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