Loot council is always one item away from drama

I do and you are salty. Probably because you can’t get gear from your trash LC guild.


I’m sure one day they will give you a weapon. Just keep waiting…

Just ignore the officers getting everything before you :slight_smile:

Loot council is completely fine LOL… typical Frosstfire take.

its only bad for you because you play with really really bad people. When you play with good people LC is absolutely the way to go.

Join one of the top 5-6 guilds on your server and there is never loot drama. Ever. Ppl know where the loot is going and nobody cares.


Some things never change lol, youd think a 15yr old game played almsot exclusively by 30 year olds would be over this.

I got G kicked because I didnt trade a ring to the officers friend on an off night 10man run. we ran with MS>OS rules. Was BIS for us both.

Not from my perspective where i have both BIS weapons for P1 after a single nax 25.

EZ game. LC is for chumps.

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I’m always full bis before next phase drops.

Awesome, you got super lucky. Congrats. Either you had no other rogues in the raid or you won very lucky rolls.

Still doesnt change the fact that LC is not a bad system. Its bad when its done incorrectly but great when its done well.

Id say whatever loot system you use is trash to give a garbage player like yourself two bis weapons the first week while the other rogues in the raid get absolutely nothing. Feels like a garbage system to me… but thats what I expect for you i guess.

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Sure you do…


Imagine feeding the 13 parser gear, we all know you full of it.

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Grats on your bis weapons dude! The whole point of this thread really.

I’m a goblin for loot in pugs. People I will probably never see again are just NPCs to me. I roll on Envoy against the Hunters because what benefit do I or my friends in our 10 man get if he wins it.

In guild runs? Nah. I’m either bis to at max 3rd bis outside of boots and weapons (lmao still rocking LPC/Fleshshaper LETS GOOOO). I’m pretty iced. If an item I need for bis drops, but one of my friends or guildies need it more, it’s theirs, no contest. I know that item will be put to use more so in their hands for the betterment of the guild. If everyone is on a team based mindset, loot becomes secondary, the team is first.

LOL right.

Its amazing how their take is “see LC is garbage” simply because they won their rolls.

Someone their lucky rolls = LC being trash… LOL WHAT.

Bro we both know he’s full of it rofl.

Dudes rogue is a 13 parser.

Yeah I do and you are salt :slight_smile: I got BIS weapons before you did :slight_smile:

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Yeah he claims to play on skyfury… but its very unlikely he plays for a top 10 guild.

We all know hes with his own ilk clinching every week on patchwerk because they might not clear it.

thats 90% of the guilds on Skyfury so im not shocked.

Nothing to be salt over lmfao…

I’m in a 1:17 clear guild and you’re in a 5 hour 17 wipe clear averaging a 13 parse lmfao…

Grays on the weps!

Ashame you don’t know how to use them.


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Yeah must be a great system to award your garbage self with two daggers while the players who are outparsing you with heroic blues get nothing.

yeah great selling point … LOL

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Little gnome is seething I got BIS weapons before he did :slight_smile:

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I’m happy for you tbh.

I’m expecting a 20 average parse out of you now.


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Seethe, cope, salt

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Naxx brings out the crappers who think they are good because they can hit 3 buttons on fights with no mechanics and get 90s… lmao man I swear :person_facepalming: edit: I might have responded to the wrong gnome :joy:

Agreed. I have been a GM/officer in my guild since MC and while we only council weapons and trinkets anyone who gets upset about loot gets the door. Some guilds may be malicious with LC sure but usually it is given out based on performance attendance and benefit to the raid.