Loot council is always one item away from drama

Sure cope however you want brown failure.

Remember when you said you didn’t log but somehow remembered the number you got when you green parsed Thaddius lol.

Remember when you never did over 8k damage in your life on your char?

Give us the numbers of every boss you did in 30 seconds with that great memory of yours.

When do you think warriors will grow up and become actual dps in this game?

Ooooo checks out, you did log, show us the logs bro I need a good laugh.

Bro show me where blizzard hurt you when they removed the fiery enchant bug. I bet you called your mom that day and cried.

Imagine playing a rogue and your competition is an arms warrior in p1 lol

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If the lower geared people wouldnt be noticeably better with the upgrade then it would help the raid more by giving it to the person who would make more use of it. This is more people being drama queens over loot than it is about what is better for the team overall.

How when you can’t do over 8k dps.

If I was playing fury I wouldve out dpsed your green parse. On the 3rd weakest spec in the game. Lol

Nah that is just cope. You don’t play fury because it’s even more trash and your terrible guild won’t let you.


Imagine being told what you can and can’t play.

Must be sad.

Imagine playing one of the top performing specs and pulling numbers worse than the 3rd bottom lol.

Imagine being my sunder bot the entire expansion…

“Hey, loot is not that important. Eventually all of us will get it”

-Someone who is keeping the loot

You forget about imp EA that you’ll be doing when warrior starts out dpsing you? You know in the real raids that matter. The raids you won’t be taken to because you’re a grey/green parser lol.

The only section of your parse that matters is how many sunders you pressed.

And the fact that I outdpsed you on an assass rogue lol.

You didn’t LUL.

You are huffing paint or something.

You are having a waking dream all warriors have when they think they can DPS in WOTLK.

Turns out you can’t :slight_smile:

Why can’t they??

Can a raid team not clear all raids with a DPS warrior?