Loot council is always one item away from drama

They are a buff and debuff bot not a dps.

They do DPS don’t they??


Pretty sure those are DPS numbers.

Low DPS numbers :slight_smile:

Ive already addressed that i keep getting webbed on maex, the logs show it. Feel free to confirm.

Ive already said i need to work on sapp, but it couldnt hurt to get one less flight since that drops melee parses.

These are also done solely in pugs, and im still kicking back two leggos in pure pugs.

Feel free to address my 95 BPA in 10 man, the size i actually focus on. You wont because it hurts your narrative, and thats fine. I dont care about the opinions of an individual who claims to be over expertise cap without recluse. That alone shows you have no knowledge of how any of this works.


It’s hard to convince a dude who is getting out dpsed by warriors of anything. Your parses look solid for pugs.


LC is only drama if your guild is casual and people are focused on their own loot rather than that of the raid as a whole

Bruh this is just embarrassing, please get some self awareness

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Appreciate that king. Im calming down for LK, and just using 25s as gdkps for gold, then funneling that gold into gear for 10 mam achis with my friends.

Mounts last forever

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You should focus more on your blue parses than posting there champ. Also, focus on sucking up to your officers and GM so you can get NAX weapons. Maybe you can bribe them or find some blackmail to use against them.

Looking kinda noob with pre-bis in lockout 4.

Also darkmoon card death isn’t for PVE champ. You want to get a decent trinket like whetstone.

I shouldn’t have to teach you basic things.

Also fix your expertise cause it’s embarrassing to not be expertise capped.

The truth hurts. He will never break 8k before P1 ends.

Anyone got a link to the thread explaining how to block someone?

DKP doesn’t have drama…

That’s the problem with any ML based loot system… when gear is decided by other players, there will always be drama unless you got a group of friends… someone will always feel slighted in one way or another.

Don’t have a link but the way to block someone with a hidden profile or anyone else for that matter:

Click on your portrait in the top right - then Preferences.

Click on Users along the left and then you can type in the name and how long you’d like to ignore that poster.

If loot is secondary why do officers get prio on loot? : )

Imagine leaving a guild for nax loot

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