Loot council is always one item away from drama

Should we perhaps discuss your blue parses on Maexxna and Saph? What’s wrong? Struggling?

I’m sure you will improve if you ever get nax weapons :slight_smile:

Didn’t you just out yourself for having a green parse on Thaddius this week? Lol

Not really no, I gave a vague number. I don’t actually remember it perfectly. It was over 8K but I don’t remember by how much.

I was just using 8k because it is higher than you will ever be. LUL.

I don’t have a log to check.

I checked my details in game but it’s gone.

Oh so now it’s above 8k. These numbers seem to be jumping around a lot. It’s ashame you’re in the only guild in classic that doesn’t use warcraft logs so we could see the real numbers.

I always said over 8K go back and read. Are warrior players all this dense?

it’s really weird to see someone analyzing and criticizing someone else on their parses, gear etc when they #1 Are a complete chicken, so terrified they won’t mention their mains name or show proof of even really bad things to brag about like doing 8K on Thaddius, in other words, can give it but can’t take it and #2 Claim to not care about parses. Like OK, sure you don’t…

We all know you’re just here to troll Frosstfire but come on.

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It’d be easier if you just linked the log instead of hiding them lol. They must be so incredibly bad if you’re this intent on not showing them lol

I don’t have any to link, and wouldn’t even if I did but would say I’m not going to link them and they do exist.

So I’m being honest. No logs to link. But wouldn’t if I had them, and would tell you to your stupid face.

I don’t care about logs. I’m just pointing out you are all trash and have bad logs or play bad classes since you insist on bringing up logs.

LUL. I’m destroying you with your own logic.

Mr grey and blue parsing rogue has left the chat.

Mr 7500 dps PEAK warrior sooon to follow (with Thaddius buff LEL).

I’m playing a bad class but out dpsing you on one or the best classes. Lol

You aren’t out dpsing me with 7400 dps PEAK there kiddo.

And yet you won’t link logs to prove you’re out dpsing me. You are playing a rogue and pulling sub arms dps numbers lol.

I mean all anyone is going to look at is how he performs…

And I’m guessing he outperforms you

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Cause there are none to link.

Did you cry when Blizzard nerfed fiery enchant LUL.

You seem salty you lost DPS race to rogues in your guild on patchwerk with a 99 and they only have a 78 and 81 parse.


I never got a fiery enchant. I’m not salty, they are good rogues. You in the other hand are not seeing as you’re hiding your logs from an arms warrior that you know pulls bigger numbers than you in a top class/spec :joy::joy::joy:

Now we know the real reason. You lost to your rogues so you are salty.

Clear in the logs. Big oof.

Don’t worry I hear warriors get better T10 /COPIUM

When did I ever claim to have a problem with rogues lol. I might even roll a rogue alt. I just find it hilarious you’re hiding your logs as an assass rogue from an arms warrior.

Not hiding logs that don’t exist sweetie :slight_smile:

In the magical land of make belief guild you’re in that doesn’t use warcraft logs lol

You are so butthurt I won’t give you my in game name. It’s not happening kiddo. Go back to coping warriors are good.

You aren’t getting my name.


Once again, never said warriors were good. But I’d rather take a warrior who’s bringing sunder, 4% Phys debuff and shattering throw versus a rogue who is bringing nothing and doing less damage than the warrior (you).