Loot council is always one item away from drama

Ok mouthbreather. My 10k on thaddius was done with pre bis daggers, and 13 expertise. Feel free to check my log and where the MT in the PUG was, because i was facing the boss 90% of the time.

Stay bad, baddie. You already outed yourself. If youre doing 8k on thaddius, and proud of it, then youre at best blue, but more than likely a green parser.

Stay bad.


OOF you don’t have any nax weapons. The struggle is real. 4 lock outs and still on pre-bis weapons.


Using darkmoon card death in raid LUL.

Yep, got a nobles in my bank. I was banned for 10 days and couldnt get one on launch.

Still dumpstering your dps.

I may not have naxx daggers.

You dont have skill to push 2 buttons correctly.

Id rather be in my shoes.


The fantasy land I live in with actual proof versus your apparent dps (which is still extremely bad relative to other rogues) with 0 proof of ever existing. It would actually be hard to get outdpsed by an arms warrior as a rogue, I’m impressed.

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The cope is real, no nax weapons after 4 lockouts. That must be hard to swallow.

While I have both after 1 nax and 2 other 2nd bis items. OOF.

I’ve got my bis weapon (and bis enchants unlike somebody) and I’m out dpsing you as an arms warrior. Lol

Only 8k on Thad??

Were you afk?

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It isnt. I couldnt care less. Youre doing the damage i did weeks ago. You are as relevant to me as any other npc who plays this game.

Just somehow more stupid.

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You can say this over and over, it won’t come true.

Who cares, I got the gear and u didn’t. Stay mad. I dont’ care about parses.

My point was only I can out dps a warrior blind folded using my feet.

Should we discuss your 23 parse on lockout 1 for thaddius ?


It is true until you link your logs to prove it. We all know you aren’t because you know I’m out dpsing you lol.

There are no logs sweetie.

Oh I forgot you were in the magical make belief guild that doesnt use warcraft logs in 2022.

Then for all intents and purposes, you have a confirmable 0 dps.

So he outdpses you.

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Should we discuss your 23 grey parse on Thaddius lockout 1 :slight_smile:

OOF only 31 for item level too. Yikes.

Eh week 1 is irrelevant,.it’s all about how you finish the tier.

suicide kings is the best loot system


You seem way too interested in his parses for someone that doesn’t care about parses, or log for that matter.

I don’t have any to link sweetie.

Yes we all know you run in a make belief guild that doesn’t allow warcraft logs.

And we dont have to believe your lies.

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