Loot council is always one item away from drama

I don’t care what you are asking sweetie.

Cool, stay mad your being out dpsed by an arms warrior. Bye bye.

LUL arms is the lowest possible dps class. Stay coping bro, bye.

And you’re getting beaten by me lol

I bet you never even broken 8k boss dps. Probably 5k if you are lucky.

80 replies of Frosstfire crying over LC



How am I crying when I got bis daggers in 1 nax EZ game :slight_smile:

81 and it keeps going and going and going…

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OOF you only got 7400 dps on thadius. Yikes. I got over 8000 on my trash rogue before I had BIS daggers.

Not looking good kid.

And 7400 is a 96 parse :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: What a useless class warrior is.

Stop lying you failed to jump six times and were told to just stand in the slime


5900 DPS is a 99 on patchwerk as a warrior LUL. OMG they are bad.

You keep claiming a lot of stuff for someone who refuses to prove it. Link your logs if you’re so good. Then people might believe you’re beating a warrior.

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5900 is better than 3k on a grey parsing rogue lol.

I do 4k+ in heroics on bosses with almost zero buffs KEKW (before BIS daggers).

I did over 8k on thaddius easily.

You keep saying this but we all know you’re pulling in grey parses. You won’t even show your logs :joy::joy::joy:

You should reroll bud, your class is actually trash.

Most guilds die at some point. Each guild has its own story. These are video game guilds where the game is a hobby, and having a guild last for even years is rare.

The loot system doesn’t matter much for the reasons for the guild falling apart though, typically. I’d say changing the loot system causes more drama actually but if people joined with whatever that’s generally not the cause.

Loot drama itself can cause guilds to fall apart but there are SO MANY other reasons. Recruiting issues due to people quitting over game boredom or real-life obligations, group burnout or real-life obligations causing leadership mostly to quit, the best players feeling like they’re carrying half the team so leaving, general corruption, and many reasons I’m not thinking of right now.

To put guilds dying as only due to “using LC as the loot system” is WAY oversimplification. If guilds only died from using LC and not when they used other loot systems then guilds using other loot systems would be most of what we have left now by the process of elimination.

If youre not doing atleast 10k on thaddius by now as a rogue, youre bad.


I’m playing a trash class but out dpsing you playing one of the top classes :joy::joy::joy:

You aren’t is the thing. You just think you are. YOu are living in your fantasy land.

Listen brainlet, I never said my gear is BIS just my weapons.

How can you be this slow? Is it genetic?

OOF you don’t have any nax weapons. The struggle is real. 4 lock outs and still on pre-bis weapons.
