Loot council is always one item away from drama

Link your rogue so we can see you even have the weapons and you aren’t as trash as everyone thinks you are.

Inb4 random screen shot of rogue with daggers you found in dalaran.

Bro I can spam 1 button and beat your top damage in BIS gear by 5x.


If you think this has to be proven you are coping out of your mind. It is being done by lots of rogues.

You could, but you don’t because you’re trash lol. You’re getting out dpsed by a warrior, proven by the fact you are hiding your logs lol.

It is spamming 1 button. Anyone can do it, even you. Well not as warrior KEKW.

I excel at spamming 1 button because I played mage in classic.

I know it’s being done by lots of rogues. You’re not one of them because you’re trash though. You put mongoose on bis weapons lol.

You put mongoose on felstriker and even with no enchant I’ll triple your dps spamming fan of knives.


You don’t even use the BIS daggers on trash you brainlet.

I’d believe you if you linked your logs. But you won’t because you don’t want to be humiliated by being beaten by a warrior lol.

LUL you don’t know this is possible. Wow you must be in a trash guild.

When did I say anything about the enchants you supposedly have on your grey parsing rogues trash gear? You put mongoose on bis daggers, you’re cheap, you probably dont even have a spell blade lol.

Here brush up on how op rogues are and how easy they will beat you. You seem to be in denial. A lobotomized monkey can beat a warrior dps with a rogue in green gear.

There is literally a rogue in my raids that does it. Everyone knows about this.

Yes, I’m aware most rogues will beat me, never said they wouldn’t. But your rogue I beat on the meters even on the second worst dps spec in the game.

LUL stay salt then I guess.

And as I’ve told you, there are no logs to link sweetie.

Then tell us your rogues name so I can double check.

Nah, there is no point. You can’t check.

Oh so you’re hiding your logs because you know you’re getting out dpsed by an arms warrior lol.

I’m not. I was doing more dps than you as a fresh 80 with brutal gear.


Stay mad kid.

You’re telling me what rogues can do, not what you can do as a rogue. Gotta link those logs if you want anyone to believe you.

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Any rogue can do what I said. They just need felstriker and spellblade and then spam 1 button.

Mad ?

I’m not mad, I’m asking you to prove to me that you’re doing it. But you’re hiding your logs because you arent and I’m out dpsing you lol