Loot council is always one item away from drama

Press X for doubt. You’re doingless dps than a warrior lol.

You haven’t seen the log data have you? Sub rogues do as much DPS as warriors.


Yeah but a purple/orange/pink warrior does more damage than a grey parsing rogue lol.

You nave no proof I grey parse. You are making things up, like that warriors are relevant.

The proof is that you’re not willing to link your logs, because you know they’re grey and that you’re bad lol.

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Does your brain function? There are no logs to link. We didn’t log.

Sure you didn’t

Allegedly. They’re there, they are just bad and you don’t want to show them. You won’t even show your character name because you know they exist and we can all see how trash you are lol.

We didn’t. It is impossible for you to find me on WCL even if I gave you my name.


Warrior mad he can be beat by sub rogue. Salt doth flow.

I’m not mad, I openly post on my warrior that does more damage than your rogue lol.

Sure you didn’t… Wink wink

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I promise you it doesn’t, wink. I equip felstriker (level 60 dagger) and a spellblade (crafted) and press 1 button and do 20k dps.

Lul warriors.

Do you? Link logs.

Yeah because if your brain functioned you’d see the damage i’m doing in this setup is not dependent on gear much at all so I literally press 1 button over and over and do 5x your damage on trash using a level 60 dagger and a crafted dagger i can buy on AH with spellpower on it.


Yes, apparently, but you have no proof you do this. You actively avoid showing logs because they’re grey and you’re getting beaten by a warrior lol.

Why do I need to prove something that can be done with 1 button press and easily obtainable gear?

Cope much?

It is not dependent on skill at all. LUL, stay mad.

Source: trust me bro.

Source it is how rogues work.

Warrior cope knows no limits.

There is no rotation. I spam fan of knives. I win damage. YOu lose.