Loot council is always one item away from drama

No two LCs will do the exact same thing. I can use his scenario in how we did LC.

We didnt speed clear or aim to be the server best. We just wanted to get gear to those who would benefit the raid the most. Using his scenario, assuming theyre all coming from prebis trinkets, then the bis trinket would hold the same gain over what it would replace. Mage 1 who got the trinket, in theory, should do even more during lust with both bis, so he would be the obvious choice. A faster kill is a higher dps for everyone as theres less rot coming down from burst to sustained dps.

We didnt hand out loot till the end, specifically because of things like this. So revamp the scenario a bit, if only 2nd bis trinket drops, then its going to mage 1. If both trinkets drop, mage 1 gets bis and mage 2 gets second. Our LC also believed in getting loot out to people in as even as we could distribution. We know that at best getting scraps and at worst getting nothing week after week can be demoralizing.

For scenario two, despite the warrior getting a bigger gain, those two dps are not equal. A smaller gain for the dk versus the warrior on a personal dps level, but the dk getting the trinket provides a bigger raid dps gain than the warrior. The dk should get it.

Just a former LC members take on it since you said you wanted to understand the thought process.

No one cares what your guild did. Every guild does things differently. All loot councils are corrupt.

You can’t prove otherwise. If a person is in charge of assigning loot then the system is biased.

I dont need to prove otherwise, because im not the one making a claim.

Youre the one claiming theyre all corrupt, its on you to prove it.

Also, he did ask, he literally stated he wanted to know.

If youre going to be dumb, then go be dumb playing in the middle of a highway.

I have proved they are. If a person is making loot decisions the system is biased. It is literally impossible for it to be unbiased.

If you had any training in anything of real life value in the sciences you’d understand.

People are inherently biased.

Stop wasting people’s time with your immature rants about things you can’t grasp. You are naive if you feel a LC is not biased.

It be like that sometimes.

I’m assuming they were in a pug.

It’s good when it’s biased towards non trash players. That’s why they go play in ms/os or dkp guilds and the good players get “bias” towards them because they are better than the bads lol.

You don’t need to bias gear because the content is EZ. You are just coping and trying to find a way to bias more gear to you.

Just like every other toxic parse nerd in a LC guild.

Aren’t you the one bragging about how you have bis gear?

That I got without LC. LUL.

That is just an opinion based on bias, so while you may fall into this category, not everyone does. You havent proved anything.

Highway, now.

And I got mine with an LC that I’m not part of an officer core. What’s your point?

You are proving my point.

You play warrior, therefore can not pump, and shouldn’t be getting BIS if performance mattered.

You are literally the poster child of my point of view.

The only reason you got BIS in a LC is because you know someone on the LC or are friends with the GM or something.

You value to the raid was not the reason. You play warrior, you have almost no value.

Frosty is actively lowering the iq of everyone in this thread.

I already said my piece about LC, but I got other things to do, like not watch a 54 year old male have a schzio moment because he forgot his meds.

Have fun in here bois.


I probably do more damage than you even though you’re playing a rogue and you’re still taking items from actual good players lol.

I did more damage in greens than you will do in P1 BIS.

I find it funny, just watching the grey parsers rage about loot councils is making my day.


I find it funny a warrior thinks they can do dps.

Link your logs and prove it then.

I don’t need to and can’t even if I wanted to since none exist.

I can play sub rogue and do more dps than you do as any warrior spec.

You just have to take their word on it. Wink wink

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