Loot council is always one item away from drama

it’s only fair to the ones that bought or inherited bought gold- don’t have gold? don’t got loot either then… yeah, it seems fair! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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One wonders how you stay in a guild…

The toxic vitriol that comes out of you sometime…

If you do not like the people in the guild that is fine, but name-calling, well you are no better than they really, no matter how bad their LC is.

Says the gray parser

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Always been in LC guilds. My current guild has a lot of high ranks who have known each other for years.

Tanks get geared first. You hit numbers, you get the gear. Simple as that usually.

Never had a problem but I’ve also always performed.

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3 players left pugging and getting NO gear. or they join a new guild and get NO gear because they are trials. another trash take from trash poster.

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I am convinced he is like 12-14 years old. Just the things said sometimes and/or the way they are said. Know what I mean?


You wish you had proof of my parses but none even exist on Warcraft logs and you are malding out of control.

Especially since I got BIS daggers in 1 nax 25.

Yep… the bad guilds have no clue how to do anything right… the good guilds see an item drop and can name you the 2-3 ppl who should get it…

Chances are they are right 99% of the time.

Yep… im just gonna mute the thread.


There you go again bragging about BiS stuff in an, as you put it,

Go get BiS in a hard game and come back and show us, ok.

Your BiS might as will be like bragging about getting some Linen Cloth.

Afterall, you did say it’s an

You seem rustled. Settle your jimmies.

I revise my estimate. 10-12 years old.

Oh I know your parses lmfao.

You a grey-green parser.

We all know it.

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Did not realize that was an option. Awesome! Thanks for the tip!!!


Perform and get gear.


Look at my precious


Or just get gear like me.

I mean someone has to get it…

Can’t wait to see your no light yog gear.

Actually seething.

Why would I be seething rofl?

You aren’t even a mage, I don’t even wear your bis lmfao.

I’m glad your pug cleared Naxx 25, such a huge accomplishment.

BIS weapons, 1 try.
