Loot council is a joke

Please tell us the full story then.


Can you please read this statement before writing?

If it’s team effort, why do few people get priority over everyone else?

I ran with /roll and dkp raids mostly, everyone gets fair chance at loot, that’s team effort team reward.

You show up, you contribute, you get chance at loot, and can plan yourself, softres /roll was best system imo. Loot council is just waiting to be handed scraps, like a dog.

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I’m not reading all these replies. Just saying, you joined a guild, and the council decided since you just joined, not to give loot to you over someone that’s been in the guild longer. Most successful guilds have a similar rule with their loot system to accomplish the same.

which is why loot council is a joke. Ty for your input

Did you only start this thread to insult people that disagree with you?


You literally are a trial, they know nothing about you, they didn’t give you loot because you may just leave the next day, then you complain about not getting loot and leave.

The guild dodged a bullet with a toxic player like yourself, you clearly are not a team player, stick to pugging.


You joined an LC guild and your first raid rage quit over a piece of pants?

Good thing they didn’t give it to you … they dodged a major bullet.

Good for that guild. Good LC they did a great job.


I don’t think it makes him toxic or not a team player, it’s frustration, sure he could have went about it better but gearing your character is part of what the game is about. Not getting a potential bis piece would annoy me as well… but I wouldn’t have let myself even get in that situation personally. It’s why I always ask about loot and how it works before I even begin to raid with a guild/people

accuse other to be toxic but you’re toxic yourself

there is almost no possible way he didn’t know how the loot worked before those pants went out. Even if they didn’t tell him anything prior to, and I doubt they told him nothing, and even if they did construct wing first, the odds of them doing no other loot before the pants went out are rather low so he would know what’s up.

My guess is this guy is trolling. I highly doubt that guilds are out there just recruiting trials without any type of contact with them to go over basic things about the guild. If they did that, that should have been the red flag he should have seen and bounced prior to raid.

Ether he is a troll or he is so naĂŻve he needed this wake up call to learn how guilds work on a basic level.


That makes sense. Can’t argue that.

funny how ppl make so many assumption and they all contradict one another lol. I find this amusing, keep it going plz.

Loot council is often used by progression-oriented guilds in order to distribute loot to whoever it will benefit the most, so the group as a whole benefit the most of it. Doing so makes sure the progression in current and next tier will be as smooth as possible. If you’d rather let fate decide who get the purples, I recommend you search for a guild with a more casual approach instead.


congratz, u just prove to yourself loot council is a joke.

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I like loot council guilds because toxic trolls like yourself, do not get gear their first night normally, because they have no attachments to the guild and are absolutely willing to leave at the drop of a hat over trivial things like tier pants that have a token attached to them that you can buy in 2 weeks from a vendor.

The loot council did the right thing, if this story is even true. Like I said, stick to pugging Soft Reserve runs will probably be the best case for you, most people do not reserve tier pants or shoulders in 25 mans because they are saving their badges for it, so you can pick them up pretty easy if they drop.


Nice input, i see

Look I agree with you LC is trash, hell any ML based system is trash imho…

But he’s not wrong, did you ask questions? Did they explain their loot system or at least tell you what kind of system they run? I understand the frustration, but I would suggest in the future making things very clear with people. Set boundaries for yourself and stick to it.

So you didn’t bother to ask the guild questions about loot prio and then get mad when you are passed up on a single piece of phase 1 gear? Just quit now man you aren’t going to make it.

Stop feeding the troll.

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congratz, u expose how big of an ego u have lol. Again, continue making assumption.