Loot council is a joke

good input

Thank you?

I don’t want to assume you’re supporting what I’m saying so I’ll leave it as a question.

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when i defend myself and is correct, your big ego get offended. Dont worry im good at defending and expose ppl

Nah you arent correct at all.

You think you are better than you are, and you don’t know how guilds work or Loot council. Looks like you had this same attitude in the guild. You feel entitled. You need to check yourself homie.

Also looking at your BiS pants, they arent tier pants lol.


This whole thing happened because you think your BiS pants got “ninja’d” and judging by what I read, they seem to be the set pants.

Those pants aren’t your BiS.


I was curious about what was the story behind this as the OP was very vague in description.
If it really was that someone else got the gear for being longtime member of the guild, then it’s common to give that player priority over new initiates. I’ve been there myself back then and found it reasonable. There is not much to discuss here.

When no one have need for the piece of equipment and new guild member is denied simply for being new, then it completely different situation.

i see, nice input

He gave a very vague description, refuses to elaborate any further and anytime we try to fill in the gaps he calls us out for assuming.


umm when did i say it was ninja? what’s with ppl here making assumption lol?

Is this not why you’re whining and making a thread about this in the first place?

He put them in quotations, signifing that he didn’t literally mean that they got stolen.

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again you’re ego is making so many assumption and i find it so amusing. Base on your logic why are u whining on me whining?

So you agree that you’re whining?

At least we can agree on something.

so u agree to whine about me whining. Why?

Wait, forgot big ego can make assumption without a full or partial story lol.
At the same time, big ego can claim to have full right of self expression but can also claim others opinions dont matter.


note: these arent assumption, just go check your post lol

Wrath has been out for a very long time, it’s single most played pserver material, so at least half the servers know all fights, know their class, and loot council is a bad idea for experienced players.

If I spent 5 years playing Wrath before Wrath Classic, go into raid knowing every inch of raid and my class, I’m going with guild that doesn’t do loot council of course, on dps character.

Loot council is a type used where officer, GM and RL want loot prio on themselves because they organize the raid, and that’s fine, but just not what I personally am interested in.

nice input, i agree

I’d say experienced players get the most out of loot council actually.

The experienced players understand how the game works and understand that guild raid groups (or any group that runs together all the time) are a team effort and not all about getting what you want for yourself.

People who see only what is best for themselves and get upset about small things like this don’t really add anything of value to a raid team or I’d even say the game at all. That guild dodged a bullet.

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have u even seen the post here lol. Ppl are literally making bunch of assumptions about me but believe they dont have the full story. Weird dont u think?

one even made assumptions without a story

Yes, I read all the posts because I was trying to get more to the story but there wasn’t any more info given.

You are mad that someone else in the guild took the pants that you consider BiS and that there was no roll.

how were u able to quantify if this was small or big, when ppl in here posting they dont have the full story. Weird huh?