Loot council is a joke

Good point.

not sure who are the trolls are. So far i expose some ppl who claim to not have a partial or full story but somehow can make an assumption.

Well, since you really want attention, here goes, I looked at your logs from tonight, I can honestly say that guild will not miss you. IDK how you managed it but you did basically nothing all night. You had 2 fights were you just AFKed. The 2 that potentially could drop the tier pants, you parsed a ZERO on and a 5 on because you died half way through the fight (the only one to die on the fight BTW)

So, they probably didnt have a great impression of your ability and thought those pants would be wasted on you, because quite frankly, they are correct, Your gear, is pretty good, you are almost all epics with several REALLY good pieces. You just are not skilled enough to utilize them.

Maybe you should sit down, parses are not just about “I did the most damage” they are a great tool for people that can read them and see exactly what happened in the fight.
You died on Thaddius 3:30 seconds into the fight, because you had a negative charge and you were standing on the positive side.

So if I were on the loot council and even if you were a full member/raider. I would not have given you the pants over someone else because you continually preformed badly all night.

So please, sit-down and reevaluate what is going on with your gameplay. I assume the reason why you want random chance to determine what gear you get, is because your play is not good enough to get the gear on your merits.


nice input, will take it for consideration

My man spamming Execute here.

again another false assumption. U claim i was the only one tat die? Yeaaah but they got wipe on first boss.

More importantly, u fail to even ask for chat log lol.

Anyway continue with your assumption because i know you huge ego want it lol

Exposing one person at a time in here :wink:

I am literally looking at your thaddius parse from tonight, only one person died on that fight and it was you. You too 29k damage from positive charges, meaning you were negatively charged on the positive side.

If you want I can tell you what happened on every fight and break it down, there is even a 2d video replay of where everyone was positioned that you can watch

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hmmm nice! u looking at one part of the run and made a bias report !

again, im here to expose ppl ego. So far only 3 ppl pass

why would the prioritize you, someone unknown, over a loyal long term member

again do ppl not know how to read?

I can look at the whole thing if you want, how is the raw data biased? It makes no sense.

Well I can tell you, you don’t even use food to buff your damage, it shows a complete lack of dedication right there, you also do not even use a single potion.

way to make a first impression on a new guild. You don’t use basic consumables and you preform worse than the other hunter, even though your gear is not that far off from his. He doesn’t even look like that good of a hunter himself, you could have easily shown him up.

You can continue to bury your head in the sand and just blame the loot council or you can change the way you play the game and ether, just pug and base everything on RNG and success based on whatever random shows up that day or you can fix the poor play that you displayed in your first raid with that guild and find a new guild, show them why you are worth gearing, and have a good time with a guild that has a set schedule and become a core member of their team.


Not including you, dude.

He parsed bad yes, but bad parses can be fixed providing the person doesn’t have their head up their bottom and is willing to improve and be a helpful guild member.

That he quit over not getting a chance to roll for tier pants on his first raid with the guild was a very good thing for that guild, they saved themselves having to carry dead weight for more than one raid. If Skyfury has networking between GMs, this guy is going to be left out to dry when it comes to raiding on that server, because no guild intent on being either hardcore or raiding for fun is going to want a guy who does this spectacle over loot during his trial period.

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Loot Council makes sense when you’re progression raiding hard modes and you need to min/max your raid to push through.

Naxx 25 is not a raid that needs loot council; it gets cleared in under 3 hours by pugs. It’s not progression raiding and if you have a better chance at gear in a pug run than a guild run you’re better off pugging.

This thread…OP doubled down hard on this one. Trolls are so pathetic and fundamentally stupid.


This is either one of the most elaborate troll threads or OP is seriously one of the most uneducated degenerates of all time.

His only response to even neutral clarifying questions is: nice assumption, feed your ego, the irony. Not to mention the barely recognizable sentence structure this man is putting together.

I’m inclined to believe this a serious thread but I really hope not…


I don’t know what to tell you dude, if you don’t like a loot distribution method don’t join runs/guilds that use that method. This is true for loot council, ep/hp, GDKP, dkp, ms/os.

In anycase this is classic and one key thing in classic is raid lead has discretion to decide how loot is handed out.

The idea is that the best people for the gear get it first who will help the raid the most as a group. It is not about “few people getting prio”.

The fact is that the top guilds with the most experienced people use LC.

You can run with whatever groups using whatever system you want though. To me I hate /roll the most because my luck is so bad I always feel shafted but as for the other systems I’ve been in groups using a lot of loot systems and it’s been fine.

You do you with this but your statement that the most experienced players do not use LC isn’t really accurate is all I’m saying.


OP is low IQ troll confirmed. Reading his comments legit hurt my brain.

Just took a look at that run on WCL. You got out dpsd by a warrior. Literally delete your account.


Going by his posting on what looks to be his main from logs right before he posted and looking at the logs I think he’s here to vent and he thought more people would be on his side. Every time somebody has been on his side he’s made sure to say that they understand and tell them they are right.

He’s also doing something wrong based on the logs and maybe he thinks BiS stuff will fix that (the pants aren’t really BiS anyway…). I don’t know about that part about thinking this is the fix, that’s just a suspicion.

Anyway, if he really is a troll he got me, it just doesn’t seem like it though.