Loot council is a joke

other words, u have a big ego and u need to let me know. Dont worry, i notice that already.

Loot council is often 9/10 corrupted. Its a circle jerk of buddies funneling each other loot.

You’re best bet is to join a pug ms>os with 1 or 2 soft resses. Loot council isnt necessary when everything is cleared in blues. But try telling that to these greedy omeganerds.

funny, u want clarification but made a lot of assumption without it. Tat’s weird.

OP is right LC is a joke and anyone in a loot council is being taken advantage of if they aren’t officers or GMs.

Thanks, i guess i learn the hard way.

BUMP. BUMP. I really out did myself with this quote :slight_smile:

No I did what you refuse to do, I realized that I was wrong and clarified.

You said that I said 10 man, I did say 10 man but then I clarified by saying 25.

Your opinion doesn’t matter in this forum.

I think 9/10 is a tiny bit hyperbolic, I’d say 7/10 of them are corrupt and most will disbanned within the expansion they’re formed.

From my experience it was a joke.

Also true if you aint tight with the council you aint getting loot unless none of them want it

Objectively wrong.

Either 10 or 25 you are not entitled to gear and looking from your logs I would give the gear to the higher dps as well.

So delete this post.

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Your opinion doesn’t matter in this forum.

My guy u have the biggest ego i have ever seen lol. U claim u have the right to express your taught then tells other their opinions dont matter.

I think loot council can work fine it just entirely depends on people not getting corrupt at the top and then people at the bottom behind content with no gear/slow progression for the group.

It’s rare to find both of these things so drama is a given in most cases.

I don’t personally like LC but it isn’t evil by default

Best loot system is a mix I think with LC partially for progression reasons only. Once content is on farm back to any other system honestly.

I mean that’s only my opinion, you can take him seriously if you want but you’ll be in a padded room soon enough if you do.

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why would i delete the post. Im exposing how big an ego u guys have and it’s amusing to see ppl contradicting each other.

I can see why they didnt give you the gear


My guild’s been LC since day 1 of Classic and we’ve only 1 one major loot incident, no one Gquit, officers learnt a lesson and then we all move on.

I always say this when talking about LC… LC is both the best and worst loot system.

I guess it depends on your addon but yes I am aware of what legs are good for hunters and I told you a very good option that a lot of places list as BiS or at least “You can use Leggings of Failed Escape
and Tier Chest for nearly identical results.”.

The hunter 4-piece bonus is junk so there is no need to aim for that. You never even said what class the other person was and maybe that 4 piece bonus is actually better for their class.

This is going beyond even your complaint and saying that even without you being new maybe the LC did not see what you say as your very needed BiS piece as being that and saw it actually better for the raid group to go to someone else.

Although truthfully I don’t think you have any desire to listen to anyone and you are just mad, and you really only came here to find other salty people with bad LC experiences that would agree with you. Good luck with your next guild.

i didnt get the gear but i expose big ego so worth

You sure did expose big ego.
