Loot council is a joke


off course u gonna call me a troll. I expose u had a big ego like most ppl here lol. U claim to not have a partial or full story but made assumptions.

Your set pants aren’t BiS.

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i think one of the “passes” was frosstfire. lol.

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but do u have the full story tho?

Do you?


What story?

i dunno, i didnt make any assumption especially when i dont have a partial or full story

Quite the assumption to assume that you didn’t make any assumptions.


I’ve noticed after being on this forum it’s always frostfire, bloomsday or rdf and his 20 Alts enabling posts like these.

The wrath of the trolls is what this forum is

nice, you’re 4th assumption about me already. Keep it coming my guy

“The wrath of the trolls is what this forum is”

The irony

Don’t worry buddy I’ll be here next week when you lose the roll for your tier piece in an MS>OS raid


I think it’s more ironic that I see more people trolling in threads than actual troll characters posting in threads.

Lol you are raiding with 24 other people you are not entitled to gear in a raid. Do GDKPs and buy the gear.

Also if it is your tier pants why you upset? its like 75 badges.

Resort to calling ppl troll because you’re ego has been expose lol. Imagine making assumption but claim to have no partial story or full story.

I’m allowed to assume what I want and will continue to think that way until proven otherwise.

weird, the other guy claim i was in 10 man raid and u claim im in 25 raid??? one of u is wrong but act so right lol.

As you can see, I corrected myself.

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I wonder who the one person is who could clarify this for us, do you know where we could find them? I’m assuming they are a hunter